Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. lat. 5714

s. XIII2.


northern Italy (Italian hands and scribal characteristics, e.g. ‘ç’ for ‘z’, ‘singnum’, silent ‘h’ omitted; ascension tables for Cremona f. 36r-37v).

Parchment, 117 f., MS made of five contemporary parts: I, f. 1-12 (a single hand, with additions by another hand on f. 12v); II, f. 13-92 (a single hand, with possibly a different hand for the tables); III, f. 93-104 (two hands: f. 93r-102r and 102v-104v); IV, f. 105-113 (two hands: f. 105ra-110vb and 110vb-113ra, decorated initials); V, f. 114-117 (a single hand, with additions by another hand on f. 117v). Sections are missing after f. 104 (at least one folio), 112 (one folio) and 113 (at least one folio).

Astrology and astronomy: Alcabitius, Introductorius (1ra-9ra), whose last chapter corresponds to Albumasar’s Ysagoga minor, VI.3 and VI.6: ‘Sumptum de Ysagoga Aderlardi: Primum cehen fortune et prosperitatis…’ (9ra); ‘Item, cum fuerit Luna cum Capite vel Cauda in uno signo…’ (9ra); six tables: elections from the aspects of the Moon with the other planets (9ra-9rb); Sacrobosco, De sphera (9va-12rb); additions by another hand (12va-12vb): ‘Luna moratur in unoquoque singno duobus diebus…’ (12va), onomancy ‘A 1, b 2, c 3, d 4… Si vis scire signum alicuius hominis ascendens…’ (12va) and ‘Taurus secundum Misaelem est singnum terreum, siccum (?) et fixum…’ (12va-12vb); canons Cb of Toledan tables ‘Incipiunt canones tabularum astronomie. Quoniam cuiuscumque actionis quantitatem temporis…’ (13ra-23va); astronomical diagram (24r); ‘Cum in quo mense anni an possit fieri eclipsis Solis vel Lune…’ (24va); Toledan tables (25r-88v), including ascension tables for Cremona (36r-37v); Theorica planetarum Gerardi (89ra-92ra); diagram and notes of computus, added by another hand (92rb); Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. Gerard of Cremona (93ra-102rb); astrological and astronomical notes ‘Inter cetera lectionum providum esse mandamus ut si aliquot singnorum…’ (102v-104v); Ptolemaica (105ra-113ra); Capitula Almansoris, chs 1-60 (113ra-113vb); ‘Cum Boetius Rome degeret Pytagoras quoque in theatre viveret…’, first lines only (113vb); Ptolemaica (114ra-117va); additions by another hand: ‘No<ta> de impressionibus que fiunt in aerem est dicendum primo de his quod fiunt ex vapore calido et sicco…’ (117va-117vb) and Liber Alchandrei, 21.3-6 (117vb). Blank: 92v.

Bibl. Inventarium librorum Latinorum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Vaticanae (handwritten catalogue), VI, 212.


‘… si autem infirmum et illud superat… 7. Sermo septimus. Dicit Ptol<omeus>: Non pertinet ad iudicium in astrorum efficatia — (112vb) 88. Sermo octavagesimus octavus. Dicit Ptol<omeus>: Cum quesieris scire partem felicitatis per totum… (113ra) …sium (?) siccitatem denuntient. In eodem quoque libro retulit substantiam ventorum summum siccum esse — sed istis prohibetur legere. Pecat ergo qui eis huius dignitatis librum acommodit. Expletus liber totius sapientie largitorum.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. before c. 1250) (C.3.1.5)

, v. 6-88 and final lines of the text, due to at least one missing folio at the beginning and one missing folio between f. 112 and 113. No glosses.


‘… <dis>cordes, multis vescuntur carnibus, vitam pro nichilo ducunt, nulla formidant pericula, alterna perpetrant homicidia… (114rb) C<apitulum> IIII. Que regiones quibus signis supponatur (!). De predictarum IIII partium regionibus et etiam gentibus circa earum exteriores terminos — Co<m> (!) enim Solis et Lune conveniunt, ut eisdem in aliquo iunguntur, significationis particeps facte, turbam et quietem denuntiant enim in cardine.’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Hugo Sanctelliensis) (A.2.2)

, II.3-14. The text opens abruptly towards the end of ch. II.3 due to missing folia and the scribe stopped copying towards the end of ch. II.14. No glosses.