Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Erfurt, Universitäts- und Forschungsbibliothek, Dep. Erf. CA 4º 356

s. XVin (copied in or after 1400, see f. 178r-223v).


Amplonius Rating de Berga (c. 1365-1435); Erfurt, Collegium Porta Coeli in 1412.

Paper, 224 f., a single hand.

Astronomy and astrology: Ptolemaica (1r-101v); Campanus of Novara, Theorica planetarum (102r-165v); ‘Ad faciendum chilindrum sumatur lignum…’ (166r-168v); Albumasar (?), Liber similitudinum (169r-176r); astrological notes ‘Nota: Saturnus assimilatur spleni…’ (176r-177r), ‘Nota quod testimonia planetarum combustorum et retrogradorum sunt falsa…’ (177r) and ‘Herbe planetarum et signorum. Aries salvia…’ (177v); star catalogue verified 1400 ‘Tabula stellarum fixarum equatarum anno Christi 1400’ (178r-223v). Blank: 224.

Bibl. W. Schum, Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Amplonianischen Handschriften-Sammlung zu Erfurt, Berlin, 1887, 597; F. S. Benjamin, G. J. Toomer, Campanus of Novara and Medieval Planetary Theory, Theorica planetarum, Madison-London, 1971, 104-105; H. Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy’s Astronomy: The Almagesti minor (c. 1200), Turnhout, 2018, 60.


‘Omnium recte philosophantium verisimilibus coniecturis credibilibus hac latitudine notus est arcus a nodo usque ad terminos eclipticos.’

= Almagesti minor (C.1.4)

, abrupt end in the middle of a sentence in VI.8. No glosses. Occasional marginal notes by the scribe.