Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7266

s. XIII1 (for f. 1v-47v and 117-135, probably copied in or soon after 1234 acc. Georges; f. 48-116 date from the 13th c. and f. 136-220 were copied in the late 13th c. or early 14th c., in any case after 1291, date of Johannes de Sicilia’s text).


England (for f. 1-47 and 117-135 acc. Georges).


Colbert; library of the kings of France in 1732.

Parchment, I+223 f. MS made of three parts: I, f. 1v-47v and 117r-135v (one hand); II, f. 48r-116v (one hand); III, f. 136r-220v (at least two hands).

Astronomy and mathematics: table of contents of the whole MS, late medieval, listing the Ptolemaic section as ‘Expositiones breves et utiles super Almagesti’ (Iv); Ptolemaica (1v-47vb); Albategni, De scientia astrorum (48ra-116vb); Albubater [Abū Bakr], Liber mensurationum (117ra-127ra); Liber Saydi Abuothmi (127ra-127va); Liber Aderameti (127va-128rb); Liber augmenti et diminutionis (128rb-135vb); Johannes de Sicilia, Expositio super canones tabularum Arzachelis sive Toletanarum (136ra-220vb); scattered notes of chronology, added c. 1300 (222r-223v). Blank: 221. F. Ir and 1r (as well as 1v) contain fragments of non-scientific texts by other hands.

Bibl. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, IV: Cod. Latini 7226-8822, Paris, 1744, 332; F. S. Pedersen, Scriptum Johannis de Sicilia super canones Azarchelis de tabulis Toletanis, København, 1986, 34-35; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, 155; M. Moyon, La géométrie de la mesure dans les traductions arabo-latines médiévales, Turnhout, 2017, 134-135; M. Moyon, Le Liber augmenti et diminutionis. Contribution à l’histoire des mathématiques médiévales, Stuttgart, 2023, 5; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘Ultime hominis promissiones, id est quod ultimo promittitur homini… Bonum fuit scire etc… (3ra) <Notul?>e Almag<esti> [in the margin, hand of the scribe]. Sciendum est universaliora esse preponenda aliis et particularia sensibiliora minus sensibilibus — (46vb) 99 partes et fac more solito. Ex radicibus, id est principiis. Expliciunt notule Almagesti. (47ra) Sciendum est quod in secundo libro est quiddam quod non est ibi bene enucleatur — operando ut in proximo.’

= Notule Almagesti (C.1.5)

. Opening, 1v-3ra; I, 3ra-5vb; II, 5vb-10ra; III, 10ra-16rb; IV, 16rb-19ra; V, 19ra-26va; VI, 26vb-32ra; VII, 32ra-33ra; VIII, 33ra-33va; IX, 33va-36ra; X, 36ra-38rb; XI, 38rb-40va; XII, 40va-42va; XIII, 43ra-46vb; additional notes, 47ra-47vb. Substantial glosses by the scribe and by a later reader, who was particularly interested in chronological issues and who mentions the year 1285 on f. 11v. The same reader also glossed f. 48-116 (and mentions the years 1285 on f. 108v and 1300 on f. 82r, 108v and 109v) and added the notes f. 222r-223v.