Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, All Souls College, 95


s. XIIIex (a marginal note by the scribe on f. 27r provides calendar conversions for the year ‘1250 et 6 menses’, which led Crossley to conclude that this was the date of the MS, but the same note appears in at least three other MSS of the Almagest, as Zepeda pointed out).


northern (‘probably French’ acc. Watson, but Georges strongly argues that the scribe is English).


Oxford, All Souls College (ex-libris f. VIr, 2r, Iav), no later than c. 1440.

Parchment, VI+120+Ia f., a single neat hand, beautiful MS with richly decorated initials.

Ptolemaica (single text), except for added notes, including ‘Cum volueris per illud instrumentum dirigere significatores (?) equatorii (?)…’ (IVva-IVvb, with drawing of the instrument f. IVr).

Bibl. H. O. Coxe, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum qui in collegiis aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie adversantur, II, Oxford, 1852, Catalogus codicum MSS. Collegii Omnium Animarum, 28; A. G. Watson, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of All Souls College, Oxford, Oxford, 1997, 195-196; J. N. Crossley, ‘Ptolemy’s Almagest: Its Dates and the Dating of Oxford, All Souls College, ms. 95’, La Trobe Journal 81 (2008), 118-126; H. Zepeda, ‘Glosses on the Almagest by Campanus of Novara and Others in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7256’, in Ptolemy’s Science of the Stars in the Middle Ages, eds D. Juste, B. van Dalen, D. N. Hasse, C. Burnett, Turnhout, 2020, 225-244: 229; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘Almagesti Tholomei [title added in upper margin by later hand]. Quidam princeps nomine Albuguaf… [last letter, probably ‘e’, erased] in libro suo quem scienciarum electionem et verborum nominavit… (1va) Bonum fuit scire quod sapientibus non deviantibus visum est — abbreviacionem, aroganciam et collaudacionem, tunc iam sequitur et honestum est ut ponamus hic finem libri. Expleta est dictio tricesima (!) libri Almagesti et cum ea completur Ptholomei de disciplinalibus. Laus Deo. Amen.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, Class A. Preface, 1ra-1rb; I, 1rb-9va; II, 9va-19rb; III, 19rb-28ra; IV, 28ra-37va; V, 37va-51ra; VI, 51ra-62rb; VII, 62rb-66vb; VIII, 66vb-71rb; IX, 71rb-79vb; X, 79vb-89ra; XI, 89ra-100ra; XII, 100ra-109vb; XIII, 109vb-120vb. All tables, including the star catalogue, are missing. A few marginal notes by the scribe and by a later hand.