Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 89 sup. 34

s. XVex-XVIin (for f. 1-126, probably before 1518, cf. note added in the margin of f. 10v, apparently by another hand: ‘1518, 21 die Aprilis Luna lucebat eratque dies Mercurii…’; the other parts of the MS date from the first half to the middle of the 16th c.).


Italy, probably Florence (added notes in Italian f. 2r: ‘Io fui fato notario adi 29 settembre (?) 1549…’ and 3r: ‘Monica Mateo contessina Agnolo’; f. 130-285 mainly in Italian, including the only known copy of Ristori’s judgement on the nativity of Cosimo de’ Medici).

Paper, 285 f. (new foliation in pencil, 8 folia ahead of the old foliation). Composite MS, of which the first part (f. 1-126), which concerns us, was copied by one main hand.

Geomancy, divination and astrology: two short chapters of divination, by another hand (1r); Almadel, De firmitate sex scientiarum (9r-17v); Ptolemaica (19r-28v); ‘Nota: Quando artem operari volueris geomantie, dic per…’ (28v); Sortes Albedaci (29r-32v); ‘Incipit de fructibus planetarum et de effectibus eorum. De cupientibus habere fructum planetarum…’ (32v-34v); William of Moerbeke, Opusculum geomancie, incomplete (35ra-50va); ‘De tristitia. Sequuntur significationes XVI figurarum per domos XII et domos additas, scilicet XIII, XIIII et XV necnon et XVI. Tristitia est figura Saturni et in Scorpione continetur…’ (55r-83r); ‘Regule artis geomantie. Incipiunt regule istius libri…’ (83v-84v); Ars geomancie (85r-87r); ‘Desiderantibus verum et certum iudicium dare secundum venerabilem scientiam geomantie…’ (87v-90r); Si quis per artem geomanticam…, second part: ‘Incipit de statu corporis si questio proponatur. Si de statu corporis questio proponatur…’ (90r-118r); ‘Ad sciendam an mulier debet partutiri filium vel filiam…’ (118r); Alchandreana ‘Initio totius creationis primordio XII signa aptavit Deus cuncta…’ (118v-126r); Giuliano Ristori, judgement on the nativity of Cosimo de’ Medici, in Italian and dated 1537 (130v-186r); geomancy in Italian (189r-266v); ‘Geomantia est vaticinium terrenorum et est astronomice pars…’ (266v-273r); geomancy in Italian (273v-274v); notes of geomancy (275v); geomancy in Italian (277r-285v). Blank: 1v-8v (except for added notes f. 2r and 3r), 18, 51-54, 126v-130r, 186v-188v, 275r, 276.

Bibl. A. M. Bandini, Catalogus Codicum Latinorum Bibliothecae Mediceae Laurentianae, III, Firenze, 1776, 303-304.


‘Nota de geomantia Ptholomei regis Arabum. Incipit archanum magni Dei revelatum Ptholomeo regi Arabum de reductione geomantie ad orbem. Per hoc presens possunt cognosci exquisite presentia et preterita et futura in omni eo quod vult homo — et alie sunt fallaces. Explicit. Honor virtus et gloria potestas… Translatio magistri Bernardi phisici regnante Bonifacio papa et Adulpho electo in imperatorem et Philipo rege Francie et Iacobo rege Maioricarum et Bengario episcopo Magolensi et Audoardo rege Anglorum et anno 13o lecture nostre in phisica in Monte Pessulano et anno domini MoCCo90o quinto die Iovis ante Natale. Deo gracias.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Archanum magni Dei de reductione geomancie ad orbem (B.17)

. No glosses, but several marginal notes by the scribe f. 20v-21v and 23r, not necesseraly relevant to the topic.