Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Pommersfelden, Gräflich Schönbornsche Bibliothek, 66 (2640)

s. XIII1 (f. 34-114), XIIIex (glosses and additions f. 34r-35r and 51rb-51vb, probably in the same hand that left notes for 1292, 1297 and 1298 in the margins of the almanac f. 84r-103v, see Note below) and XIVin (f. 1-33).


England (cf. f. 104r: ascension table ‘Britanie australissimorum’ for latitude 51°30′, which is congruent with a 13th-c. gloss giving the longitudes of Toledo and Winchester on f. 65v – this gloss is followed by two other glosses, in other 13th-c hands, giving the longitude of Amiens and the latitude of Toledo, Rome, Montpellier, Paris, Arras and London).


Amplonius Rating de Berga (c. 1365-1435) [Math. 41]; Erfurt, Collegium Porta Coeli in 1412.

Parchment, 114 f. Composite MS made of two parts: I. f. 1-33 (a single neat hand); II. f. 34-114 (several hands, with glosses and additions by several hands). The second part is missing a section at the beginning, as suggested by the abrupt beginning of the first Ptolemaic section (f. 34r).

Astrology and astronomy: Alcabitius, Introductorius (1ra-23vb); two chapters: ‘De Capite et Cauda. Cum fuerit Luna cum Capite vel Cauda in uno signo est dies cavenda in omnibus operibus…’ (23vb-24ra) and ‘Quomodo queritur ilig. Et mos est philosophorum (?) in nativitate atque universali interrogatione…’ (24ra-24rb); canons of Toledan tables (24rb-33r); added astronomical note and table of contents of f. 1-33 (33v); Ibn al-Ṣaffār, De opere astrolabii, tr. John of Seville (34ra-47rb); Ptolemaica (34r-35r, 51rb-51vb), added in the margins and blank spaces; Ptolemaica (47va-51rb); canons of Toledan tables (52ra-84ra); planetary almanac, incomplete (84r-103v), including Ptolemaica (84ra); ascension table ‘Britanie australissimorum’ for latitude 51°30′ (104r); added notes by several hands (104va-105v), including chronology from Creation (104va), a horoscope for the lunar eclipse of 25 March ‘annis Arabum 582’ [1186] (104va), lunarium ‘Quisquis prima die cuiusque mensis in infirmitate deciderit…’ (104vb), Ptolemaica (105r) and Epistola Argafalau ad Alexandrum, c. 2.3-23 (105r-105v); astrolabe ‘Astrologie speculationis exercitium habere volentibus…’ (106ra-109rb); Pseudo-Messahallah, De compositione astrolabii, second part on use (109rb-113va); added notes of medicine (114ra-114vc). The second part (f. 34-114) is heavily glossed by several hands, mainly from the 13th c., three of which copied the three Ptolemaic sections on f. 34r-35r+51rb-51vb, 84r and 105r respectively.

Note The planetary almanac (f. 84r-103v) was used by several 13th- and 14th-c. astrologers, who left notes and calculations for 1189/90 or ‘anno Arabum 585/6’ (f. 86r, 90r, 95r, 95v, 99v, 102v), 1254 (f. 84v, 87v, 88r, 94r, 102r, 102v, 103r), 1292 (f. 84v), 1297 (f. 87r, 91r), 1298 (f. 95v), 1306 (f. 84v, 85r, 88r, 100v) and 1333 (f. 94r).

Bibl. Graf von Schoenborn Schlossbibliothek Pommersfelden: Katalog der Handschriften, I (unpublished catalogue dated 1995, available at the Staatsbibliothek in Bamberg); F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 170-171.

34r–⁠35r, 51rb–⁠51vb

‘… in primo gradu capricorni eratque gradus ille decime et duravit per 3 horas… Directio. Directio yles cum fuerit in medio celi in unaquaque regione… Partes non habent circulos quia non sunt nici gradus circuli signorum… (51rb) De Centilo<qui>o 49 c<apitulu>m. Non obliviscaris. Non contempnas aspicere 120 coniunctiones que inter planetas fuerint ― in gradum medii celi, vel de medio celi in ascendens.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (‘Mundanorum’ version) (C.3.1.3)

, v. 24-77, opening mid-sentence towards the end of the commentary of v. 24. Only the version ‘Mundanorum 2’ is given. V. 50 is wrongly numbered 49 and no other verbum is numbered. This section has been copied in the margins of f. 34r-35r (v. 24-49) and on f. 51rb-51vb (v. 50-77), originally blank.


‘<E>quator est circulus maior qui describitur super duos polos orbis ― aut propinqui oppositioni erunt retrogradi’ (added by a later hand: ‘Explicit Hyspalen<sis>’).

= Thebit Bencora, De hiis que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagesti (C.1.1)

. Two marginal corrections by a later hand f. 48v and 50v.


‘51. Motus (!) Lune in nat<ivitate> est ipse gradus ascendens de circulo hora casus spermatis et locus Lune hora casus spermatis est gradus ascendens hora nativitatis.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, v. 51 (proposition only). This section was added on the first page of the planetary almanac by a 13th-c. hand, after which another 13th-c. hand added a paraphrase: ‘Quando sperma cadit, gradus ascendens, gradus ille lunaris locus, est nascentis ipse fetus; qui Luna gradus est in tempore spermatis, ille est gradus asscandens (!), nasceris tempore fetus (?).’


‘Ut scias quid sit illud quod aliquis qui ad te interrogandi venit fere in ma<nu> aut gerit corde absconditur, diligenter prospice oriens signum. Et si Mars ibi fuerit defert rem rubeam aut que mittitur in ignem ― quod si aliquis ibi non fuerit dominum hore prospicias.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Iudicia (B.3)

, excerpt (one chapter of 10 lines). No glosses (the text copied in the lower margin is part of longer note or gloss dealing with medicine f. 104v-105v).