Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7443

s. XV1 (copied from c. 1405 to c. 1440), except for additions by Simon de Phares f. 52v-55r and f. 111-112 dated 1487.


France, most of the MS (including the Ptolemaic section) was copied by Simon de Boesmare (d. 1448), who worked in close collaboration with another astrologer, perhaps Jean Halbout of Troyes. A third hand is perhaps that of Roland l’Ecrivain. F. 130-143 were probably copied on MS Paris, BnF, lat. 7413, f. II/21ra-35va (see).


Simon de Phares; Jehan Roussel; Francis I, King of France (1515-1547).

Paper (except f. 111-112, on parchment), 254 f., several hands, three of which stand out: I (Simon de Boesmare): f. 1-6, 8, 57-87, 89, 90-111, 113-116, 130-160 (in collaboration with hand II for f. 148-158), 164-172, 173v-183v, 212-219 and 229-239; II (Jean Halbout of Troyes?): f. 7, 9-48, 120, 125r, 126r, 148-158 (in collaboration with Simon de Boesmare), 184-211, 221-227 and 248-253; III (Roland l’Ecrivain?): f. 117, 121-124 and 127-129.

Astrologie and astronomy, in Latin and French: Guido Bonatti, Liber introductorius ad iudicia stellarum, Book X (1r-1v, continued f. 212r-219v, 8r-8v and 2r-4r); sequel of f. 1r-1v (2r-4r); ‘Cum Luna intraverit Cancrum hora Solis vel Virginem hora Veneris…’ (4r-5r, 6r); geographical coordinates of eight cities (4v); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris, fragment (7r-7v); sequel of f. 1r-1v (8r-8v); ‘De fertilitate et habundantia. Secundum Haly quia Jupiter habet dominium in loco coniunctionis…’ (9r-11r); Blasius of Parma, prognostication for 1405 (11v-17r); ‘Perfecta electio rei incipiende est aptatio ascendentis…’ (17v-22v); Melletus de Russis de Forlivo, prognostication for 1405 (23r-32v); John of Murs, judgement on the great conjunctions of 1357 and 1365 (33r-34v); ‘De viribus planetarum et revolutionibus annorum. In revolutionibus annorum ingressus planetarum…’ (35r-42v); Jean Halbout of Troyes (?), prognostication for 1415, in French (43r-48v); historical notes on the period 1218-1478 mainly in France, Latin and French (48v-51v, 52r and 56r-56v), with additions by Simon de Phares: Revelatio Esdrae, two versions in French (52v-53r), tonitruale in French (53r), ‘Prima die mensis Septembris, Carnis (!) aparet cum Solis ortu…’ (53v-54r) and horologium (54v-55r); Simon de Boesmare, horoscopes and astrological notes about the political situation in France in 1407-1408 (57r-69v); Simon de Boesmare, calculs and notes on the great conjunctions (70r-73r); Simon de Boesmare, horoscopes and astrological notes about the political situation in France in 1437 (73v-86v); revolution horoscopes for 1418 and 1442-1445 (87r-90v); Simon de Boesmare (?), text on the 12 houses and the interrogations of the first house, in French (91r-106v); ‘De electionibus. Si vis incolumen, si vis te reddere sanum…’ (107r-108r); John of Saxony, Canones, fragment (108v); ‘Sequitur pro sciendo quando planete sunt orientales vel occidentales. Tractemus si accidat ad invicem 5 planetis…’ (109r-109v); Simon de Boesmare, medical, astrological and astronomical notes (109v-111r); table of lunar mansions (111r); diagram of the celestial sphere and the lunar mansions (111v-112r); two astronomical tables (112v); Hermes, Liber de quindecim stellis, excerpt (113r-115v); Simon de Boesmare, notes in French, dated 1431 (116r-116v); Roland l’Ecrivain (?), horoscopes and astrological notes about the political situation in France in 1426-1427, in French and Latin (117r, 121r-123r, 129v-127r and 124v-123v: partly bound in disorder); prognostication for 1443 (117v-119v); Pierre d’Ailly, Vigintiloquium de concordia astronomice veritatis cum theologia, excerpt (120r-120v); four horoscopes for the great conjunctions of 1425, 1357 and 1365 (125r); notes on the great conjunctions of 1425 and 1464 (126r); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (130r-132v); Astronomia Ypocratis (133r-137r); Alkindi (?), Saturnus in Ariete sub radiis… (137r-138v); Ptolemaica (138v-139r); Zael, Liber iudiciorum (139r-143v: Introductorium chs 18-22, Quinquaginta precepta and De interrogationibus chs 1-7); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris (143v-147r); ‘De 15 stellis fixis. Stelle fixe que sunt de nature Saturni et Martis nocent…’, five first lines only (147v); ‘Omnia iudicia que secundum astronomiam feruntur…’ (148r-158v); Leopold of Austria, De astrorum scientia, excerpt from Book VI ‘Signa quoque humida sunt Cancer, Leo, Scorpio et Aquarius…’ (160r); Simon de Boesmare, medical, astrological and astronomical notes, in French and Latin (164r-183v); controversy regarding the making of a medical almanac at the faculty of medicine in Paris in 1437 ‘Super controversia mota inter venerabiles et discretos viros…’ (184r-211v); sequel of f. 1r-1v (212r-219v); fragment on the astrolabe (220r-220v); John of Eschenden, judgement on the great conjunction of 1365 (221r-227v); Simon de Boesmare, medical, astrological and astronomical notes, in French and Latin (229r-239v); text on the new quadrant, in French (240r-242r); description of the native of the seven planets, in French (242r-243r); text on the equatorium, incomplete (243v-247v); ‘Qui accesserit ad regem et Luna in Aquario non recipietur nec aliquo modo curabit rex…’ (248r-253v). Blank: 5v, 6v, 125v, 126v, 159, 160v-163v, 228, 254.

Bibl. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, IV: Cod. Latini 7226-8822, Paris, 1744, 359; L. Thorndike, ‘Notes on Some Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 20 (1957), 112-172: 143-144; J.-P. Boudet, Lire dans le ciel. La bibliothèque de Simon de Phares, astrologue du XVe siècle, Bruxelles, 1994, 113-151; J.-P. Boudet, T. Charmasson, ‘Une consultation astrologique princière en 1427’, in Comprendre et maîtriser la nature au Moyen Age. Mélanges d’histoire des sciences offerts à Guy Beaujouan, Paris, 1994, 255-278; J. R. Veenstra, Magic and Divination at the Courts of Burgundy and France. Text and Context of Laurens Pignon’s Contre les Devineurs (1411), Leiden-New York-Köln, 1997, 119-126; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 422; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, II: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France à Paris, Paris, 2015, 162-167.


‘<D>ixit Phtolomeus et Hermes quod locus Lune hora in qua — expertus fuit multociens etc.’