Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, 10534

s. XVIin (1519 for the first Ptolemaic section, see colophon; most of the MS appears to have been copied in 1519-1520, cf. e.g. f. 23v-25v, table 1520-1536 f. 34v; table 1521-1532 f. 110r; directions for 1520 f. 141r; f. 155-169 copied in 1520, cf. f. 169v: ‘Explicit Quadripartiti Ioannis Hispalensis 1520’).


perhaps Nürnberg: the author discusses his own nativity of 6 April 1464, f. 287r-293r, and includes a table of directions for latitude 49°, f. 292v; another table for latitude 49° occurs f. 263v; Johannes Werner’s name appears three times f. 151v, 248v and 260r (Maruska suggests that the MS belonged to Werner until his death in 1522).


Johannes Schöner, who copied a short table of contents on the inner front cover, f. 251v-259v and 260v-261r; Philipp Eduard Fugger (1546-1618).

Paper, 297 f., one main hand, with intervention of other hands in several places.

Astrologer’s handbook made of texts and excerpts (from a large number of authorities), notes and calculations of all kinds, difficult to read and to collate. Recognisable items include: prognostication for 1519 (23v-25v); Ptolemaica (44r-61r); Astronomia Ypocratis (62r-64r); Girolamo Manfredi, Centiloquium de infirmis et medicis (72r-75v); Michael de Wielen [Wieluń], judgement on the eclipse of 1478 (78r-80v); George of Trebizond, Liber de antisciis et cur astrologorum iudicia plerumque fallant (124r-124v); Albohali, De nativitatibus, tr. Plato of Tivoli (125r-131v); Johannes de Glogovia, Tractatus de nativitatibus (135r-137v); Pseudo-John of Seville, Epitome totius astrologie (155r-169v); Abraham Avenezra, Tractatus particulares, tr. Pietro d’Abano, Book III (186v-187r); Ptolemaica (197v); Messahallah, De significationibus planetarum in nativitate (274v-278r); Sadan, Excerpta de secretis Albumasar (282v-284v). The MS contains several judgements on nativities, including by Johannes Werner (151v-153v), Johannes Virdung of Hassfurt (154r-154v), Domenico Maria Novara (188v-190v) and Albertus de Brudzewo (191r-194v), among others.

Bibl. Tabulae codicum manu scriptorum praeter Graecos et Orientales in Bibliotheca Palatina Vindobonensi asservatorum, VI: Cod. 9001-11500, Wien, 1873, 202; Katalog der datierten Handschriften in lateinischer Schrift in Österreich, IV: F. Unterkircher, Die datierten Handschriften der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek von 1501 bis 1600, I, Wien, 1976, 107; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 557 (index); M. Franz, ‘Die Handschriften aus dem Besitz des Philipp Eduard Fugger mit Berücksichtigung der Handschriften des Johannes Schöner in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek’, Codices Manuscripti 14 (1988), 61-133: 93; M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 321; M. Maruska, ‘Die Handschriften aus der Bibliothek des fränkischen Gelehrten Johannes Schöner in der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek’, in Aspekte der Bildungs- und Universitätsgeschichte. 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert, eds K. Mühlberger, T. Maisel, Wien, 1993, 409-435: 427; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 412; M. Maruska, Johannes Schöner – ‘Homo est nescio qualis’. Leben und Werk eines fränkischen Wissenschafters an der Wende vom 15. zum 16. Jahrundert, PhD dissertation, Universität Wien, 2008, 108.


‘Liber Claudii Ptholomei qui vocatur fructus ad illustrissimum Alphonsum regem Aragonum et utriusque Sicilie a Georgio Trapenzuntio ex Greco in Latinum versus. Librum Claudii Phto<lome>i Alfonse rex inclite traductum quem vulgo Centiloquium ipse fructum appellat… Iam pridem perutiles ad previdendum operationes stellarum, o Sire, quas in hoc composito mundo efficiunt exposuimus… (44v) Commentarii in dictum librum fructus Georgii Trapenzuntii. Libellus hic quem de Greco traductum nomini tuo destiavimus (?), illustrissime rex… (45r) Primus aphorismus. Abste et a scientia, non est enim possibile ut huius scientie professor partires rerum ydeas prevideat… Abste, inquit, hoc est a quadam insita vi animi et ingenio et a scientia nature stellarum precognitio — ut sicut raro apparent (?), sic inconsueta significare videantur. Laus Deo in die et Petri et Pauli apostolorum 1519.’

= George of Trebizond, Commentarii et expositiones in aphorismis Libri fructus Ptolomei (C.3.11)

. George of Trebizond’s preface, 44r; author’s preface, 44r; commentary on author’s preface, 44v; text and commentary in alternating sequence, 45r-61r. No glosses. The text is followed by a diagram ‘Figura Phtolomei 16 lateri’ related to v. 60 on the critical days.


‘Ad verificandam horam conceptionis Iovianus Pontanus super verbo Pthelomei (!) 51 Centiloquii. Circulus geniture in exitu nati ab utero secundum verbum 51 Phtolomei sic extrahitur. Primo ad tempus datum inveniatur locus Solis cum quo erigatur figura ad quam imponatur locus Lune verus — maxime ubi Luna dignitatem yleam sibi vendicaverit.’