Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, 444 Helmst. (479)

s. XV1 (1440 for f. 163-176, cf. f. 174rb and 176rb; f. 1-162 were copied from 1435 to 1440, cf. f. 66vb, 90va, 114rb, 122va and 162vb; f. 267-300 were copied in 1450-1451 (not 1470, as in Heinemann), cf. f. 287ra, 288va, 296rb and 298rb; f. 318-395 in 1437, cf. 322vb and 384rb.


Germany (several sections are in German), f. 267-300 were copied by Bruno Steenbeke of Osnabrück, cf. f. 296rb: ‘Explicit tractatus virtutum medicinarum simplicium per me magistrum Brunonem Steenbeke de Osnaburgis anno domini MCCCCLo…’, f. 300va: ‘… scriptus et finitus per me magistrum Brunonem Steenbeke de Osnaburgis anno domini MCCCCLIo…’), f. 304-316 ‘per me Iohannem Schonefelt’ (f. 316ra) and f. 318-395 ‘in Bamberg’ (f. 384rb).

Paper (with a few parchment leaves), 400 f., several hands, one of which copied most of f. 53-242 and occurs in other places as well.

Medicine, with the exception of f. 163-202, dealing mainly with astronomy and astrology: Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. Gerard of Cremona (163ra-174rb); Capitula Almansoris (174va-176rb); added recipe (176rb-176va); Savasorda, De redemptione filiorum Israel (177ra-183vb); Astronomia Ypocratis (184ra-185vb); ‘Incipit Conr<adi?> tractatus de iudiciis astronomicis super infirmitates. Inquit Haly filius Benragel: Scito quod consideratio infirmitatis dividitur in decem partes…’ (185vb-188vb); added notes of medicine ‘<C>irca prognostica magistri Ar<noldi> de Villanova est primo notandum quod sicud in iudicio sunt 4 persone…’ (188vb-189rb); Ptolemaica (190ra-200va); Hermes, Centiloquium (200vb-202r). Blank: 189v.

Bibl. Kataloge der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, I: O. von Heinemann, Die Helmstedter Handschriften, 1: Codex Guelferbytanus 1 Helmstadiensis bis 500 Helmstadiensis, Frankfurt/Main, 1963 (originally published 1884), 346-350.


‘Incipit Centiloquium Ptholomei regis Egypti. Prologus. Dixit Ptholomeus: Iam scripsi tibi, iesure, de hoc quod stelle operantur in hoc seculo… Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est… Haly. Ideo dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et ex illis est, significans (?) quod qui res futuras tunc (?) prenoscere desiderat — Deum precor ut dirigat. Et perfecta est huius libri translatio 17 die mensis Martii, 15 die mensis Gumedi secundi anno Arabum 230. Et sic est finis Centiloquii.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, with v. 51-100 also given in ‘Mundanorum 1’ (C.3.1.3). Glosses by the scribe.


‘Dixit Ptholomeus: Stelle caudate sunt 9. Stelle cum caudis sunt 9 — in regibus et divitibus apparebit. Et sic est finis.’