Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, 634

s. XV1 (before November 1446, when the MS was apparently purchased, cf. note f. 92v).


southern, probably Catalonia (Barcelona?), where the MS was towards the middle of the 15th c. (cf. added notes in Catalan f. 92v).

Parchment and paper, 92 f., a single hand. Several folia have been cut out, four between f. 27-28 and five between f. 78-79.

Astrology and astronomy: table of contents, early modern hand (1r); added astronomical notes and diagrams (2r-2v); Sacrobosco, De sphera (3r-14v); ‘Secundum Rabi Abraam [Abraham bar Ḥiyya/Savasorda] de prima forma cursus planetarum. Declaratum est in libris antiquorum philosophorum…’ (15r-23r); ‘De naturis et proprietatibus planetarum. Sciendum quod planete sunt VII…’ (23r-25v); ‘De amicitia vel inimicitia planetarum. Item sciendum quod in mundo sunt quatuor anguli…’ (25v-26v, ed. Burnett, ‘Aristoteles/Hermes…’, 225-228); ‘Quando Luna intrat quodlibet signum quis efectus sequatur. Nil capiti facias Aries cum Luna refulget…’ (27r); ‘Predictorum signorum quedam sunt mobilia, quedam stabilia…’ (27r-27v); ‘De qualitatibus et naturis signorum. Aries in capite, de prima triplicitate…’, end gone (27v); sphere of Apuleius/Pythagoras (28r); diagram: 12 signs and 12 houses (28r); onomancy ‘a I, b II, c III… Si vis scire cuius signi seu de quo signo est quilibet homo, computa numerus litterarum…’ (28v); two tables for computing the zodiacal position of the Moon (28v-29r); star table (31v); Ibn al-Ṣaffār, De opere astrolabii, tr. John of Seville (32r-40v); Prophatius Judeus, Quadrans novus (41r-47v); Bonetus or Jacob ben David Bonjorn [Jacob ben David Yom Tov], astronomical tables for Perpignan 1361 (48r-78r); end of an astrological text describing the native of the 28 lunar mansions, same type as the Alchandreana, expl. ‘… et erit dives in senectute’ (79r); Ptolemaica (79v-83v); ‘Tractatus Davidis Iudei [David ben Yom Tov]. Quia ut dicit Tolomeus in Centiloquio, vultus huius seculi sunt vultibus celestibus similes…’ (84r-90r, ed. Bos/Burnett/Langermann, 64-83). Blank: 1v, 29v (except added notes), 30r-31r, 78v (except added calculations) and 90v-92v (except for added notes f. 92v).

Bibl. Biblioteca de Catalunya. Inventari de manuscrits, s.l.n.d., I, 173-174; A. Cordoliani, ‘Los manuscritos de cómputo eclesiástico en las bibliotecas de Barcelona’, Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia 23 (1950), 103-130: 123-124; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 489; C. Burnett, ‘The Kitāb al-Isṭamāṭīs and a Manuscript of Astrological and Astronomical Works from Barcelona (Biblioteca de Catalunya, 634)’, in C. Burnett, Magic and Divination in the Middle Ages. Texts and Techniques in the Islamic and Christian Worlds, Farnham-Burlington, 1996, VII, 1-19: 1-6; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 231-232; C. Burnett, ‘Aristoteles/Hermes, Liber Antimaquis’, in Hermetis Trismegisti astrologica et divinatoria, eds G. Bos, C. Burnett et al., Turnhout, 2001 [Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis, 144C], 179-228: 187; G. Bos, C. Burnett, Y. T. Langermann, Hebrew Medical Astrology: David Ben Yom Tov, Kelal Qatan. Original Hebrew Text, Medieval Latin Translation, Modern English Translation, Philadelphia, 2005, 63.


‘Incipit Centiloquium Tolomei. Scientia stellarum et ex te et illis est. Astrologus non debet dicere rem specialiter sed universaliter — ex aliqua civitatum ipsius climatis.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, without the preface and the commentary. Glosses by the scribe.