Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Dublin, Trinity College, 441

s. XIV1 (astronomical calculations for 1317, by the scribe, f. 68r; tables 1254-1329 f. 128r-134v; text composed in 1315 f. 253v-270r) and XVmed (f. 60r-63v, added on originally blank folia).


England, perhaps London (note on the distance between London and Toledo f. 180r; tables giving the altitude of the Sun for London and Oxford f. 232r; see also f. 253v-270r).


‘Liber W. Dussyng’, 15th c. (f. 1r and 2r); John Dee in 1553 (f. 2r).

Parchment, 271 f., one main hand, except for 15th-c. additions f. 60r-63v.

Arithmetic, theology, computus, astronomy, astrology and divination: table of contents (1r); Boethius, De arithmetica (2r-44v); Gerbert of Aurillac, comm. on Boethius’s De arithmetica, excerpt (45r-45v); Boethius, De trinitate (46r-49v); Boethius, De praedicatione trium personarum (49v-50r); Boethius, De persona et naturis Christi contra Nestorum et Eutychem (50r-58r); Boethius, De hebdomadibus (58v-60r); Ptolemaica (60r-63v); ‘Ars precisa et perpetua ad capiendum coniunctiones. Refecionis divini pabuli dispensatori…’ (64r-68r); ‘Ad inveniendum eclipsim Solis et Lune sine tabulis…’ (68v); Robert Grosseteste, De sphera (69r-74v); diagrams showing the five essences (75r); mathematical and astronomical notes (76v); table from Boethius’s De arithmetica (77r); Robert Grosseteste, Compotus (77v-98r); computus tables (98v-99r); comm. on Alexander of Villedieu’s Carmen de algorismo (99v-104r); mathematical notes (104r); ‘Que vel dimissa sunt in alio tractatu compoti vel minus lucide vel aliter dicta quam ibi hic reperri possunt. Compotus igitur est scientia considerans tempora…’ (104v-111r); ‘Tabula multiplicacionis minuciarum secundum Albategni’ (111v); ‘Nota quod piricheus regularis…’ (111v); Ptolemaica (112r-115r); Theodosius, De habitationibus (115r-118v); mathematical problems ‘Si paribus vel disparibus constent…’ (118v-119r); two computus diagrams (119v); ‘De theoria planetarum. Quoniam de motibus planetarum…’ (120r-127v); astronomical tables (128r-207v), opening with syzygy tables for 1254-1329 (128r-133v); ‘Ad verificacionem vel composicionem tabule equacionis Solis…’ (208r-212r); Ptolemaica (212v-227r and 227r-227v); Prophatius Judeus, Quadrans novus, beginning only (228r); astronomical diagrams and tables (228v-232r); chiromancy in French (232v-234r); chiromancy ‘Planicies omnis chiros 3 lineas habet naturales…’ (234r-235r); oniromancy ‘Cum in veteri testamento exposiciones diversorum sompniorum…’ (235r-238v); ‘De tonitruis. In quocumque signo tonuerit sive in die sive in nocte…’ (238v-239r); Pseudo-Albertus Magnus, Physionomia, attr. Thomas Aquinas (239r-240v); ‘Cum fulgur et candor stelle ab oriente progrediens…’ (240v-242r); ‘Sanguis bonus in minutis debet esse rubei…’ (242r-243r); mathematical problems ‘Incipiunt quedam principia necessaria ad casus inquirendos secudnum algorismum. Tria grana ordei…’ (243r-252v); chiromancy ‘Secantur sciencie inter se quemadmodum et res ex quibus sunt… Explicit opus admirabile ciromancie compilatum per R. de W. de Florencia anno domini MoCCCXV, die XXXI Ianuarii apud castrum de Cornibort in Anglia’ (253v-270r); notes of medicine (270r-270v); drawing of a hand and notes of chiromancy, added (271r). Blank: 1v, 75v-76r, 229v-230r, 253, 271v.

Bibl. T. K. Abbott, Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, Dublin, 1900, 69; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, III, London-Leiden, 1983, 193 (D 4.27); J. Roberts, A. G. Watson, John Dee’s Library Catalogue, London, 1990, 124 (M137); M. L. Colker, Trinity College Library Dublin. Descriptive Catalogue of the Mediaeval and Renaissance Latin Manuscripts, London-Aldershot, 1991, II, 871-883; Codices Boethiani. A Conspectus of Manuscripts of the Works of Boethius, I: Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland, eds M. T. Gibson, L. Smith, London, 1995, 251-252; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 242; C. Panti, Moti, virtù e motori celesti nella cosmologia di Roberto Grossatesta. Studio ed edizione dei trattati De sphaera, De cometis, De motu supercelestium, Firenze, 2001, 236-237 and 250-251; A. Lohr, C. P. E. Nothaft, Robert Grosseteste’s Compotus, Oxford, 2019, 28.


‘Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est. Astrologus non debet dicere rem specialiter sed universaliter iuncti fuerint planete existenti sub terra elevabitur.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, v. 1-54, without the preface and the commentary. No glosses.


‘Liber Thebith filii Chore de hiis que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagest<i>. Equator diei est circulus maior qui describitur super 2 polos — in opposicione Solis aut propinqui opposicioni erunt retrogradi. Explicit.’


‘Commentum Haly [title added in upper margin by a later hand]. Mundanorum ad hoc et illud mutacio corporum celestium mutatione… Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est. Astrologus non debet dicere rem specialiter sed universaliter… Quod dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et illis, significat quod qui res futuras prenoscere desiderat et quanto melius quivimus exposuimus. Explicit commentus.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (‘Mundanorum’ version) (C.3.1.3)

. Two glosses by a later hand f. 212v and one gloss by the scribe (?) f. 220v.


‘Ptho<lomeu>s in hoc libro tricas et tricarum nomina ponit… Stelle cum caudis sunt 23, quas si Ptho<lomeu>s omittit sunt 9 — in regibus et divitibus apparebit. Et hec de cometis breviter distinximus.’