Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 464

s. XIVin (probably before 1318, see especially Knorr, 278-279, and Barker-Benfield, 1175).


most of the MS was copied by Michael of Northgate, monk at St Augustine of Canterbury (cf. inner front cover: ‘Almanach Michaelis de Northgate’).


John Twyne (d. 1581) and his son Thomas Twyne who gave it to the Bodleian Library in 1612.

Parchment, III+206 f., two neat hands: I [Michael of Northgate], f. I-III and 58-205; II, f. 1-57, decorated initials.

Astronomy, astrology and computus: table of contents (Ir); Pliny, De presagiis temporum (Iv-IIIr); table for computing the zodiacal position of the Moon (IIIv); Prophatius Judeus, Almanach (1ra-57v); Petrus de Dacia, Kalendarium, with canons attr. Roger Bacon ‘Canon super sequens kalendarium ad veram coniunccionem Solis et Lune accipiendam compositum a fratre Rogero Bacoun. Kalendarium sequens extractum est a tabulis Tholetanis anno domini 1292…’ (58r-71r); Petrus de Dacia, lunar tables with canons and additional astrological material (71v-73v); circular diagram: 12 signs, domiciles, exaltations, decans and triplicities (74r); circular diagram: aspects, with note (74v); horoscopic diagram: meaning of the 12 houses, with note (75r); tables of Toulouse (75v-80r); Peter Peregrinus of Maricourt, De magnete (80v-84v); Campanus of Novara, Theorica planetarum, excerpt ‘Incipit compositio instrumenti Solis magistri Campani. Ad hoc autem ut in instrumento nostro sensibili ponantur…’ (85r-92r); Ptolemaica (92v-95r); Thebit Bencora, De recta imaginatione spere et circulorum eius diversorum (95r-96v); Thebit Bencora (?), De quantitate stellarum et planetarum et proportione terre (96v-97v); Alcabitius, Introductorius (98r-119v); Hermann of Carinthia, Liber imbrium (120r-122r); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris (122v-125v); ‘Capitulum de natura aeris in singulis annis. Volens scire naturam aeris in singulis annis, considera coniunctionem Solis et Lune…’ (126r-126v); ‘Iudicium particulare de mutatione aeris. Iudicium particulare de aeris mutatione in coniunctione Solis et Lune, considera signum ascendens et eius naturam…’ (126v-127r); ‘De apertacione portarum. Apercio portarum dicitur dum coniungitur planeta inferior…’ (127r-127v); Sem filius Haym, Capitulum in narratione Saturni quid accidat in mundo (127v-128v); table (7x12) showing the parts of the body for each planet in each of the 12 signs (128v); tables for the 12 signs showing essential dignities and degrees, with text ‘Aries igneum, domus Martis, exaltacio Solis…’ (129r-131v); ‘De Ariete. Aries habet faciem et caput et pupillam oculi…’, incomplete (132r-133r); table: meaning of the 12 houses (133v); Pseudo-Messahallah, De compositione astrolabii, second part on uses (134r-139v); Theorica planetarum Gerardi (140r-147v); Pseudo-Thebit Bencora, De motu octave spere (147v-150v); Hermes, Liber de sex rerum principiis (151r-162r); Arnold of Villanova, Introductorium ad iudicia astrologie quantum pertinet ad medicinam (162v-169v); horoscopes for each of the 360 degrees, all empty (170r-199v); Jafar, Liber imbrium (200r-204v); ‘Incipit composicio chilindri. Investigacionibus chilindri composicionem, quod dicitur horologium viatorum…’ (204r-205v); Messahallah, Liber interpretationum, c. 3, end gone (205v). F. 206 is torn.

Bibl. F. Madan, H. H. E. Craster, A Summary Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, II.1, Oxford, 1922, 375-376 (no. 2458); F. S. Pedersen, Petri Philomenae de Dacia et Petri de S. Audomaro opera quadrivalia, København, 1983-1984, I, 257-258; A. G. Watson, Catalogue of Dated and Datable Manuscripts c. 435-1600 in Oxford Libraries, I, Oxford, 1984, 17 (no. 90); A. G. Watson, ‘John Twyne of Canterbury (d. 1581) as a Collector of Medieval Manuscripts: a Preliminary Investigation’, The Library, 6th ser., 8 (1986), 133-151: 149, no. 22 (reprinted. in A. G. Watson, Medieval Manuscripts in Post-Medieval England, Padstow, 2004, IV); W. R. Knorr, ‘Two Medieval Monks and Their Astronomy Books: MSS Bodley 464 and Rawlinson C. 117’, The Bodleian Library Record 14 (1991-1993), 269-284; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 140; B. C. Barker-Benfield, St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, London, 2008, II, 1173-1180 (BA I.1156).


‘Incipit liber Thebith de hiis que indigent exposicione antequam legatur Almagesti. Equator diei est circulus maior qui describitur super duos polos orbis — propinqui opposicioni erunt retrogradi. Expletus est liber Thebith filii Core de hiis que indigent exposicione antequam legatur Almagesti.’