Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

London, British Library, Add. 7474

[Colour scanned images of the textblock and covers.]
Acephalous and incomplete single work: Arabic.  Date:

completed shortly after 28 Jumādā l-ūlā 686/11 July 1287 (154v).


unknown; unknown scribe; the hand is western and probably Andalusian, but the dotting of letters fāʾ and qāf follows the eastern custom; thus the scribe may have been an emigrated Andalusian working in the central Islamicate world.


a seal which reads ‘Muḥammad Amīn Allāh’ dated 1086/1675-6 (1r); an undated seal by Muḥammad Tawfīq al-… (1r); an illegible seal (1r).

Cod.: brown paper, 183 ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; no catchwords). A single very elegant and readable western hand in black, probably andalusī. Dotted ductus; fully vocalized, with hamzas and shaddas, on the first 23 folios; substantial vowels, shaddas and hamzas thereafter. Centered book and chapter headings in red. Abjad notation with black overlines. Substantial diagrams and tables in red and black; several incomplete diagrams (38v, 39r, 40v, 43r, 47v, 48r, 49r), incomplete tables (18r, 43v, 52v, 53r, 62v, 63r, 183r), and some empty tables (53v–55r). Codex in excellent condition; some mold stains; minor moisture stains; some restorations. Dimensions: 271×182 mm, written area: 181×120 mm; 19 lines per page. Covers in reddish leather over paper pasteboards with fillets. Type III binding.

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: Ptolemaica (1r–183v). Blank: 44r, 85v, 86r, 131v, 157v, 175v, and 176r.

Bibl.: William Cureton and Charles Rieu, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum orientalium qui in Museo Britannico asservantur. Pars secunda, codices arabicos amplectens, Pars II, London: Museum Britannicum, 1852, pp. 186–187 (no. ccclxxxix); Paul Kunitzsch, Claudius Ptolemäus. Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, 3 vols, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1986–1991, vol. I, pp. 3–4. — Qatar Digital Library:


\1r\ || القسيّ التي فيما بين فلك معدّل النهار وبين وسط فلك البروج التي هي الميل. النوع الرابع عشر في معرفة أقدار قسي معدل النهار التي تطلع في الكرة المستقيمة مع قسي فلك البروج المفروضة. وهذا حين أبدأ بالنوع الأول من القول الأول. فقال: نعم ما رأت الحكماء المخلصون يا سوري حين فرقوا جزء النظر من جزء الفعال اللذين هما جزءا الحكمة — \183v\ وأما آخر كمال كسوف القمر فيكون موضع قطعة المغيب إلى ناحية الشمال وجز فلك الأفق الذي نميزه من هذا التقويم يكون هو الجزء الذي إليه يكون ميل انحرافات أحد النيرين المقابلة لأوائل وأواخر مبادئ الكسوفات والكمالات. كمل القول السادس من كتاب المجسطي بحمد الله وحسن 〈عونه〉.

= Ptolemy, al-Majisṭī (tr. al-Ḥajjāj) (A.1.1)

. — Title: Kitāb al-Majisṭī (105v, 154v, 183v). — Additional title: Taḥrīr Majisṭī (sic) (1r). — Index: Book I, 1r–23r (beginning missing); II, 23v–55v; III, 56r–79v; IV, 79v–105v; V, 105v–154v; VI, 154v–183v. — This is probably the first volume of a two-volume set. The manuscript is acephalous and begins at the end of the table of contents of Book I, before the translation of the Greek text. Substantial marginal corrections and collations, and substantial glosses, particularly in Book I. Glosses are by the scribe, although in a standard naskh with minor western traits. The term to introduce glosses is ḥāshiya or bayān instead of the western ṭurra.