Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 276
s. XIVmed (1351 for the Ptolemaic sections, cf. colophon f. 86vb; the same hand copied f. 76-80 in 1350; f. 148-156 were added in the 15th c.).
Or.:Germany (some texts are in German), the Ptolemaic sections were copied by one master ‘Chonradus Wernshover’ (reading uncertain), cf. colophon f. 86vb below and f. 80vb: ‘Scriptus a Ch<onrad>o W<er>nshov<er> anno 1350’.
Prov.:Hartmann Schedel, who copied both Ptolemaic sections from this MS into Munich, BSB, Clm 275 (see); Munich, library of the dukes of Bavaria.
Paper (except f. 69-74 and 100 on parchment), 161 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 1-67, and another [Chonradus Wernshover] f. 75r-86v, 91v-92v, 96r, 97r-99r, 100v-111v, 113r-128r and 144r-147v.
Magic, astrology, geomancy, alchemy and medicine: Apollonius, Flores aurei (1ra-39ra); Ars notoria (39va-47va); John of Morigny, Liber visionum beate Marie (48ra-67ra); magical recipes (68r); Si quis per artem geomanticam… (69ra-73rb); chapter index of a work of geomancy ‘Capitula geomancie in 12 inquisitionibus secundum 12 domorum mansionem artis astronomie. De qualitate status. De vita hominis…’ (73rb); list of chapters of another (?) work of geomancy (73va-73vc); magical diagram (74r); Galen, De flebotomia (75ra-75vb); Galen, Secreta (76ra-80vb); Galen, De voce et anhelitu (81ra-82ra); onomancy ‘Nota de egris utrum convalescat vel moriatur…’ (82rb-82v); Ptolemaica (83ra-86vb and 86vb); Augustine of Trento, prognostication for 1340 (87ra-91rb); magical recipes (91va-92vb); ‘Geomancia est vaticinacio terrenorum et astrorum sive ex stellarum cognitione…’ (93ra-95vb); drawing of a zodiac man (95vb); two revolution horoscopes for 1340 (96r, cf. 87r-91r above); alphabets (96v); ‘Modus levandi artem geomancie est brevis et facilis…’ (97ra-99rb); fragment of a text in German (100r); notes of geomancy (100v); alchemical texts and notes, partly in German (101ra-143r); list of plants, alphabetical (144ra-147vd); Nicolaus Cusanus, prognostication for 1433 (148r-156v); list of pharmacological products (157r-157v); recipes (158ra-159va); ‘Circa mineralia Avicenne. Istius libri quatuor sunt cause sicut cuiuslibet alterius…’ (160ra-161rb). Blank: 67v, 68v, 74v, 99v, 143v.
Bibl. C. Halm, G. Laubmann, Catalogus Codicum Latinorum Bibliothecae Regiae Monacensis, I.1: Clm 1-2329, München, 1868, 71-72; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 350-351; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, I: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bayerische Staatsbibliothek de Munich, Paris, 2011, 64-65.
‘<D>ixit Ptolomeus: Iam scripsi tibi fore libros de hoc quod operantur stelle in hoc seculo… <S>cientia stellarum ex te et ex illis est — et quanto melius quivimus exposuimus. Explicit Centiloquium Ptolomei cum commento Haly. Finitus (?) et scriptus per manus magistri Ch<onrad>i dicti W<er>nshov<er> anno domini 1351 in die decollationis Iohannis Baptiste.’ = Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (‘Mundanorum’ version) (C.3.1.3)
, in ‘Mundanorum 2’. The commentary is missing for v. 1, 3-4 and part of 6 (but blank spaces have been left for it in loco) and v. 10 is missing altogether. No glosses, except for two lines in Hebrew f. 83r. |
‘Ptolomeus dixit: Iste stelle cum caudis sunt IX — in regibus et divitibus apparebit.’ = Pseudo-Ptolemy, De cometis (B.4)
. No glosses. |