Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Pal. lat. 1377

s. XIV (f. 183r-194v).


probably Germany (Georges).


St Nikolaus Hospital in Kues for f. 183-194 (cf. f. 183r: ‘Liber hospitalis sancti Nicolai prope Cusam’); Heidelberg, Bibliotheca Palatina; Vatican library in 1623, where f. 183-194 were bound together with the other parts of the MS.

Paper and parchment, 194 f. MS made of seven parts of various dates and origins, of which f. 183-194, on parchment, form one unit copied in a single hand.

Ptolemaica (single text) for f. 183-194. The other parts of the MS contain scientific texts, including astrological and astronomical texts. One of these parts (f. 95-110, parchment, 11th-12th c., France) contains a large collection of chapters from the old corpus on the astrolabe, opening with the Horologium regis Ptolomei (95r-98r), here also attributed to Ptolemy: ‘Incipiunt capitula (?) libri horologi regis Ptolomei’.

Bibl. A. A. Björnbo, S. Vogl, Alkindi, Tideus und Pseudo-Euklid. Drei optische Werke, Leipzig-Berlin, 1912, 134-136; L. Thorndike, ‘Some Little Known Astronomical and Mathematical Manuscripts’, Osiris 8 (1948), 41-72: 45; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, II, London-Leiden, 1977, 393 and 590; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, VI, London-Leiden, 1992, 360; L. Schuba, Die Quadriviums-Handschriften der Codices Palatini Latini in der Vatikanischen Bibliothek, Wiesbaden, 1992, 103-107; D. Blume, M. Haffner, W. Metzger, Sternbilder des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. Der gemalte Himmel zwischen Wissenschaft und Phantasie, II: 1200-1500, Berlin, 2016, 2 vols, II.1: Text und Katalog der Handschriften, 505-511; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘Forme, id est ymagines, celi et stelle ipsarum secundum situs et magnitudines tabulate Almagesti Ptolomei. Prime in parte anatoli. Et prima Urse Minoris. Illa que est super extremitatem caude : 2s 0° 10′ – 66° 0′ – 3. Illa que est post istam super caudam: 2s 2° 30′ – 70° 0′ – 4 — Et stella scita per thauguebe, id est comam, non intrant in numerum.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, VII.5-VIII.1, star catalogue, with drawings of the constellations. Glosses by a later hand (15th c. acc. Schuba), including a longer note on the value of the precession according to various sources on f. 194v.