Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 14111

s. XIVex-XVin (f. 181-214, the rest of the MS mainly dates from the second half of the 15th c.).


Germany. According to Wunderle, 281, the script of f. 181-214 is very similar to that of MS Vienna, ÖNB, 4316, copied in Prague in 1400.


St Emmeram of Regensburg.

Paper, 443 f. (new foliation in pencil in lower right corner, as in Wunderle), composite MS made of 14 parts bound together between 1502 and c. 1520. The fourth part (f. 181-214) is in a single hand, except for the item on f. 214v, added by a later hand.

Astrology and astronomy (f. 181-214): Alcabitius, Introductorius (181ra-198vb); Ptolemaica (199ra-211va); table on the signs and the planets, drawn from Alcabitius’s Introductorius (211vb-212rb); Petrus de Dacia, Kalendarium, excerpt (212rb-212v); syzygy tables 1273-1634/1729 (212v); table for computing the zodiacal position of the Moon, with canon (213r); Euclid, Elementa, ed. Campanus of Novara, excerpt I.1 (213va-214ra); sphere of life and death, added (214v). The other parts of the MS mainly deal with astronomy (see Wunderle).

Bibl. C. Halm, F. Keinz, G. Meyer, G. Thomas, Catalogus Codicum Latinorum Bibliothecae Regiae Monacensis, II.2: Clm 11001-15028, München, 1876, 130; K. Vogel, Die Practica des Algorismus Ratisbonensis. Ein Rechenbuch des Benediktinerklosters St. Emmeram aus der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts nach den Handschriften der Münchner Staatsbibliothek und der Stiftsbibliothek St. Florian, München, 1954, 19-21; H. L. L. Busard, M. Folkerts, Robert of Chester’s (?) Redaction of Euclid’s Elements, the so-Called Adelard II Version, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 1992, I, 61-62; J. Perarnau, Els manuscrits Lul.lians medievals de la “Bayerische Staatsbibliothek” de Munic, II: Volums amb textos llatins, Barcelona, 1986, 175-176; E. Wunderle, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München. Die Handschriften aus St. Emmeram in Regensburg, I: Clm 14000-14130, Wiesbaden, 1995, 273-294; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 253-254; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, I: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bayerische Staatsbibliothek de Munich, Paris, 2011, 132.


‘(199ra) Dixit Ptholemeus: Iam scripsi tibi, Yesure, libros de hoc quod operantur stelle in hoc seculo… Sciencia stellarum ex te et ex illis… Cum dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et ex illis, significat quod qui res futuras prenosse desiderat — et ego Deum deprecor ut te dirigat. Perfecta est huius libri translatio 17o die Martii, 12o die Iumedi (!) secundi anno Arabum 530 etc. Et est finis huius operis. Fur: huius karte ledetur demonis arte, qui clepit hunc librum cleps est et cleps moriatur.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

. Substantial glosses by the scribe, consisting of most propositions from the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3), starting with v. 1 at the bottom of f. 198vb (originally blank): ‘Alia translatio habet alias propositiones quarum prima est hec: Mundanorum ad hoc et ad illud mutatio… Astronomus non debet dicere res specialiter sed universaliter…’. F. 202 consists of a piece of paper of smaller size inserted by the scribe and containing a repetition of v. 23 (first copied on f. 201vb) in a slightly revised version.