Tehran, Kitābkhāna-yi Majlis-i shurā-yi Islāmī, 398 Ṭ
copy completed in 1198/1784, collation finished on Monday, 8 Rabīʿ al-thānī 1198/1 March 1784 (p. 354).
Or.:unknown, probably Persia; unknown scribe. According to the collation note, the manuscript was compared to a copy by Mīrza (?) Khayr Allāh al-Muhandis (annotation in red ink next to the colophon, p. 354).
Prov.:a small rectangular seal, faded and illegible on the scans (p. III). A rectangular seal of endowment by Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ḥusaynī al-Ṭabāṭabāʾī (pp. I, 354). Stamps of the Majlis library dated 1302/1923-4 (e.g., pp. 1, 354).
Cod.: paper, III+357 pp. (paginated with stamped Hindu-Arabic numerals (Persian variants) at the centre top of every page; foliated from 2 to 178 with red Hindu-Arabic numerals (Persian variants) in the upper left margins; no catchwords). A very neat and mostly dotted black nastaʿlīq hand; shaddas, hamzas and maddas mostly provided; vowel marks scarcely written. Frames in gold, blue, and red for the main text (occasionally also for annotations by the scribe, e.g., pp. 50–53); space for marginal annotations surrounded by a thin golden frame. Book headings, chapter headings and paragraph beginnings rubricated; chapter beginnings additionally introduced by overlined abjad numerals in black. Hindu-Arabic and abjad numbers in the main text mostly rubricated or with overlines. Numerous diagrams (at times in the margins, e.g., pp. 283, 310), tables (often unfinished, e.g., pp. 159, 171), and a rosette (p. 192); diagram lines and geometrical points in black and red. Tables with red lines, numbers and headers in red and black. Codex in very good condition, spine restored. Dimensions: 29×16 cm (Fankhā); 21 lines per page (misṭara imprints). Elaborately decorated incipit page displaying Qajar characteristics, predominant use of gold with some dark blue elements including lancets; floral decoration in green, blue, and rose surrounded by interlace, basmala inscribed in a rectangular panel. Leather covers over paper pasteboards, green on the outer back and front covers with several blind-stamped golden elements, central mandorla with pendants and corner pieces, doublures in brown leather. Type III binding.
Cont.: astronomy. —
Bibl.: Muḥammad Ṭabāṭabāʾī Bihbihānī, Fihrist-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-i Kitābkhāna-yi Majlis-i shurā-yi islāmī. Kitābhā-yi ihdāyī-i Sayyid Muḥammad Ṣādiq Ṭabāṭabāyī, vol. XXIV/1, Tehran: Kitābkhāna, Mūza wa markaz-i asnād-yi Majlis-i shurā-yi Islāmi, 2002 (1381 H.S.), pp. 267–268; FankhāMuṣṭafā Dirāyatī, Fihristgān-i nuskhahā-yi khaṭṭī-yi Īrān (Fankhā), 45 vols, Tehran: Library, Museum and Documentation Center of The Islamic Consultative Assembly, 2011–13 1390, vol. VII, p. 216 (nos 48 and 49); ParraMª José Parra, ‘A List of Arabic Manuscripts of Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī’, Suhayl 16–17 (2018–2019), pp. 251–322, pp. 290–291.
pp. 1–354
\p. 1\ أحمد الله مبدأ كلّ مبدأ وغاية كلّ غاية ومفيض كلّ خير ووليّ كلّ هداية وأرجو حسن توفيقه في كلّ بداية ونهاية — \p. 354\ فلنختم الكتاب وأقول وإذ وفّقني الله تعالى أيضًا لإتمام ما قصدته وإيجاز ما وعدته فلأقطع الكلام حامدًا له على الآية ومصلّيًا على جميع أوليائه خصوصًا على خاتم أنبيائه والبردة من آله وأحبّائه. = Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.18)
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