Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Salisbury, Cathedral Library, H.1.29 + ZC2.8.10

s. XIIIin.


northern (England?).


MS fragments found in the binding of two books printed in 1550 from the library of Edmund Geste (c. 1515-1577), bishop of Salisbury, who left his books to the cathedral library on his death.

Parchment, 6 pp., a single hand. The two sets of fragments have been labelled ‘PDN 270’ (H.1.29) and ‘PDN 290’ (ZC2.8.10) by Seldwyn, who did not identify Ptolemy’s text. Proper identification was made in September 2019 by Mark Thakkar, whose findings were published online, together with photographs of the fragments. For convenience, the six pages have been renumbered here 1-6 following the order of the text. The concordance with the photo numbers are as follows: 1=PDN270-3, 2=PDN270-6, 3=PDN270-5A, 4=PDN290-1+PDN290-2 (two photos of different parts of the same page), 5=PDN270-4, 6=PDN290-3.

Ptolemaica (single text).

Bibl. D. Selwyn, Edmund Geste and His Books. Reconstructing the Library of a Cambridge Don and Elizabethan Bishop, London, 2017, 207, 208, 424, 429 and passim; supplemented by Mark Thakkar on the website of the Bibliographical Society ( under PDN 270 and PDN 290. My thanks to William Duba for calling my attention to these fragments.


‘(1) … aut quanta sit longitudo puncta quod est supra summitatem — ad medium celi quod est supra terram est quantitas arcus TA orbis equationis diei, et tempus… [17 lines, II.1-2]; (2) … parcium et XXXIIII minutorum et XXII secundorum ad CXIII partes et XXXVII minuta — CIX parcium et XIIIIor minutorum et LIII secundorum ad XVIII partes et XXXI… [17 lines, II.3]; (3) … <l>ongitudo diei lo<ngioris> et revolutio um<bre gnom>onum quatuor m<ensium> — et que sunt post illas secundum ordines suos, quibus…’ [17 lines, II.6-7]; (4) … angulus KLT equatur toti angulo HMR. Quapropter est (?) angulus ELT…’ [one line, II.7] … <longitudini>s a quolibet duorum punctorum tropicorum erunt equalium elevationum — qui est RLET. Et illud est quod oportuit nos declarare [12 lines, II.7]; (5) Iam ergo declaratio est nobis ex eis que prediximus quod cum sciverimus — et eius corda est CXVII partes et XXXI mi<nuta>…’ [16 lines, II.7]; (6) <proportion>ne<m> CXII parcium et XXIII minutorum et LVI secundorum ad XII partes et — Ex quia longitudo diei longioris est XIIII hore…’ (12 lines, II.7].’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, fragments from II.1-2, 3 and 6-7. Glosses by the scribe (at least two glosses visible on pp. 1 and 3).