Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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†St Petersburg, Gosudarstvennaya Publichnaya Biblioteka im. M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrina [now Rossiĭskaya Natsionalnaya Biblioteka], Lat. F.XVII.74

s. XV2.


probably the University of Cracow and perhaps Albertus de Brudzewo himself, cf. f. 1r: ‘M. Alberti de Brosevo, profess. Cracov., collectanea astronomica et astrologica 1460’, in a 15th-century hand (the date 1460 seems however very early for Albertus de Brudzewo, whose date of birth is not known precisely but generally considered to be c. 1445).


‘Liber M. Caspar Weygil’ (given twice, on the inner front cover and on f. 1r, in scripts contemporary with the MS). The MS was part of the Załuski Library (Warsaw), which was confiscated and transferred to St Petersburg in 1794, transferred back to Warsaw after the Revolution in 1922 and destroyed in October 1944. The present description relies essentially on Birkenmajer, who saw the MS in St Petersburg in 1908.

Paper, 238 f.

Astronomy, astrology and magic. Birkenmajer describes the contents as follows: ‘1. Tabula mediarum coniunctionum et oppositionum solis et Lune (fol. 1′). – 2. Tabule latitudinum lune in eclipsibus (f. 17). – 3. Tabula distantie visibilis coniunctionis a vera (f. 43′). – 4. Tabula sinus 6,000.000 partium (fol. 70). – 5. Tabula ad sciendum per d [?] quanta mora est creature (f. 77′). – 6. Tabula latitudinis quinque planetarum (fol. 94). – 7. De nativitate hominis liber, quem dominus Albertus Broseuo [Brudzewo] Cracouiensis operose collegit et fideliter (fol. 104). – 8. De genitura (f. 127 “Circulum pro exitu geniture”) [Ptolemaica]. – 9. Tabulae similes ac sub nr. 5 (f. 136). – 10. Tabula continens medium motum planetarum (f. 179). – 11. Flores doctrine celestis, seu Cabbala secretissima (fol. 189 “In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi…”)’. The last item probably corresponds to John of Morigny’s Liber florum celestis doctrine.

Bibl. L. A. Birkenmajer, Stromata Copernicana. Studia, poszukiwania i materjały biograficzne, Kraków, 1924, 101-103; M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 9 and 314 (wrong shelfmark ‘XVIII. 74. Z.’); The Inventory of Manuscripts from the Załuski Library in the Imperial Public Library, eds O. N. Bleskina, N. A. Elagina, Warszawa, 2013, 136 (no. 696). My thanks to Irina Galynina for help regarding the history of this MS.


‘Circulum pro exitu geniture…’

= Albertus de Brudzewo (?), Circulum pro exitu geniture ab utero iuxta verbum Ptolomei 51 rectificare (C.3.17)

, apparently as part of the treatise of nativities attributed to Albertus de Brudzewo starting on f. 104.