Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work C.3.17

Albertus de Brudzewo (?)
Circulum pro exitu geniture ab utero iuxta verbum Ptolomei 51 rectificare

A commentary on Centiloquium v. 51, dealing with the rectification of nativities. The extant manuscripts suggest that this text originated at the University of Cracow in the 1480s (and certainly before 1488, when most of MS Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1439 was copied). Rosińska (with a query) and Markowski ascribe it, very plausibly, to Albertus de Brudzewo, who was professor of astronomy and astrology at Cracow in the 1480s. In most copies, the text stands alone among astrological material, but in five of them, it is part of a larger text. In MSS Cracow, BJ, 1856; Karlsruhe, BLB, Rastatt 36 (f. 85r-85v); and Katowice, BS, R 51.II, it forms most of the first canon of a treatise on the interpretation of nativities in 21 canones, which is one of the several versions of a Tractatus de scientia nativitatum commonly taught at the University of Cracow in the late fifteenth century and sometimes associated with Martinus Bylica de Olkusz or with one Simon, perhaps Simon of Sierpc (on this treatise, see Rosińska, nos 1909-1910, and Markowski, 117 and 189). In MSS Basel, UB, O.III.31 and Paris, BnF, n.a.l. 208, it occurs as the opening chapter of a treatise on the establishment of nativities, most of whose material derives from the Canones concernentes nativitatem nati, a text written as an appendix to Albertus de Brudzewo’s judgement on a nativity of 6 April 1445, probably by Albertus himself or under his supervision (see MSS Paris, BnF, lat. 7350, f. 99r-135v; and Vatican, BAV, Pal. lat. 1439, f. 41r-66r, also Rosińska, no. 502, and Markowski, 103 – Markowski attributes it to Johannes Virdung of Hassfurt). In the Basel MS, this treatise bears the title ‘Liber continens canonem magistri Alberti de Pruzaff [Brudzewo] super nativitates et iudicia, coll<e>ctium (!) in universitate Cracoviensi’ (full chapter index given from this manuscript by L. A. Birkenmajer, Stromata Copernicana. Studia, poszukiwania i materjały biograficzne, Kraków, 1924, 100-101). To these copies one should add the lost MS †St Petersburg, BGP, Lat. F.XVII.74, where our text occurred on f. 127r (‘De genitura. Circulum pro exitu geniture…’), apparently as part of a longer treatise (f. 104r-135) on nativities attributed to Albertus de Brudzewo (see MS entry). The genesis and affiliation of this text require more research.

Text ‘(Munich, BSB, Clm 51) ‘Circulum pro exitu geniture ab utero iuxta verbum Ptolomei quinquagesimum primum rectificare. Sit tempus datum geniture cuiuspiam in anno, die, horaque, pro quo quidem tempore figura celi sit inventa illum tota figura est rectificanda in tempore.’

Bibl. G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, no. 347; M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 9-10; M. Markowski, ‘Repertorium bio-bibliographicum astronomorum Cracoviensium medii aevi: Adam Tussinus de Tarnovia – Andreas Grzymała de Posnania’, Studia Mediewistyczne 27.1 (1990), 111-163: 121-122.

Modern ed. ---