Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Work A.4.1

Inerrantium stellarum apparitiones et significationum collectio (tr. Federico Bonaventura)

Book II only (as in Greek), translated by the prolific writer and translator of meteorological works Federico Bonaventura (1555-1602), who published it in Urbino in 1592. Bonaventura used a Greek manuscript which belonged to Gian Vincenzo Pinelli (1535-1601), whose library was acquired by the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan in 1608, but no Latin manuscript of the Phaseis has been found there (see Heiberg). Bonaventura wrote an extensive commentary on this work (C.4.1).

Text ‘(ed. Urbino 1592) Claudii Ptolemaei inerrantium stellarum apparitiones et significationum collectio, Federico Bonaventura interprete. Inerrantium stellarum apparitiones quot nam habeant differentias quasve causas — in quo dici magnitudo ad horas 15 extenditur. Finis.’

Bibl. C. Wachsmuth, Iohanni Laurentii Lydi Liber de ostentis et calendaria Graeca omnia, Leipzig, 1897, lii-lviii; J. L. Heiberg, Claudii Ptolemaei opera quae exstant omnia, II: Opera astronomica minora, Leipzig, 1907, clii-cliv.

Modern ed. ---