Work C.2.16
Isaac Argyros
〈Paraphrasis in Anonymum commentum in Quadripartitum〉
A paraphrase of the Anonymous Commentary on the Tetrabiblos (C.2.12) written around 1370 by the Byzantine mathematician and astronomer Isaac Argyros and translated from the Greek in the first half of the sixteenth century. The translator translated not only Argyros’s paraphrase but also Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos (A.2.8) and arranged both texts in alternating sequences by lemmas, with Argyros’s paraphrase copied in smaller script. The only extant manuscript (Madrid, UC-BH, cod. 122) is the original copy, as evidenced by the numerous corrections throughout, which can only have been made by the translator. The Greek exemplars have been identified with MSS Madrid, UC-BH, cod. 27 (for Argyros’s paraphrase) and cod. 29 (for Ptolemy’s text). These three manuscripts belonged to the University of Alcalá by 1565 and the translation has been generally attributed to Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (Nonius Pincianus or El Pinciano, c. 1478-1553) or to someone of his circle at Alcalá (Signes Codoñer et al., Domingo Malvadi, Domínguez Alonso). Recently, however, Martínez Manzano argued against Núñez’s authorship, relocated the manuscripts in Rome, dated the translation to c. 1530 and suggested that the three manuscripts may have been brought to Alcalá by the astrologer Pedro Sánchez Ciruelo (1470-1548). A full paleographical and codicological study would be needed to sort out the authorship, date and place of the translation.
Text ‘(Madrid, UC-BH, cod. 122) (1r-43v) [
Bibl. P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 587; J. Signes Codoñer, C. Codoñer Merino, A. Domingo Malvadi, Biblioteca y epistolario de Hernán Núñez de Guzmán (El Pinciano). Una aproximación al humanismo español del signo XVI, Madrid, 2001, 61-63; R. Caballero-Sánchez, ‘Historia del texto del Comentario Anόnimo al Tetrabiblos de Tolomeo’, MHNH 13 (2013), 77-197: 83 and 101-102; A. Domingo Malvadi, ‘La enseñanza del griego en Alcalá de Henares. The Teaching of Greek in Alcalá de Henares’, in V Centenarío de la Bíblía Políglota Complutense. La Universidad del Renacímíento. El Renacímíento de la Universidad, ed. J. L. G. Sánchez-Molero, Madrid, 2015, 395-415: 400; A. C. Domínguez Alonso, ‘La influencia astrológica sobre la pasión amorosa en el Comentario Anónimo al Tetrabiblos de Tolomeo: Edición crítica, traducción y comentario’, MHNH 15 (2015), 253-270: 259-264; A. C. Domínguez Alonso, ‘La paráfrasis de Isaac Argiro al Comentario Anónimo al Tetrabiblos de Tolomeo: Algunas aportaciones originales al Libro I’, MHNH 16 (2016), 233-250: 235; A. C. Domínguez Alonso, ‘La paráfrasis autógrafa de Isaac Argiro al Comentario anónimo al Tetrabiblos de Tolomeo. Algunas cuestiones sobre su autoría’, in Plutarco, entre dioses y astros. Homenaje al profesor Aurelio Pérez Jiménez de sus discípulos, colegas y amigos, eds J. F. Martos Montiel, C. Macías Villalobos, R. Caballero-Sánchez, Zaragoza, 2019, II, 1049-1060: 1052; A. C. Domínguez Alonso, La parafrasi bizantina di Isaac Argiro del Commento Anonimo al Tetrabiblos di Tolomeo. Edizione critica bilingue, PhD dissertation, Università di Salerno, 2019,
Modern ed. Argyros’s paraphrase, both the Greek original and the Latin translation, has been edited in two columns by Domínguez Alonso, La parafrasi bizantina (this edition does not include Ptolemy’s text). Selected passages (Greek and Latin) had already been edited by Domínguez Alonso, ‘La paráfrasis de Isaac Argiro’, 240-253.