Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek, 682

s. XV1 (copied in 1435, cf. colophon).


copied at the University of Vienna by Martinus Mospekch, bachelor of the faculty of arts of that university (cf. colophon), who also partly copied MS Vienna, ÖNB, 5266 (see).


monastery of Klosterneuburg in the 15th century (ex-libris on f. 2r, 102r and 224r: ‘Liber Sancte Marie in Neronburga claustrali’; ex-libris of 1656 on f. 2r).

Parchment, 225 f., a single very neat hand, deluxe MS, with a superb painted initial on f. 2r and initials in blue and red throughout, sometimes decorated.

Ptolemaica (single text). Blank: 1v, 224v-225v.

Bibl. Catalog of Manuscripts in Stift Klosterneuburg, Austria, IV: Codices 637-830, Ann Arbor, 1972 (handwritten catalogue), 884; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, III, London-Leiden, 1983, 21; P. Kunitzsch, Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, II, Wiesbaden, 1990, 15.


‘(1r) Opus Ptolemaei quod Almagestum dicitur de scientia stellarum motuumque in caelo contingentium [title page, f. 1v blank]. (2r) Quidam princeps nomine Albuguafe in libro suo quem scientiarum electionem et verborum nominavit… (2v) Bonum scire fuit quod sapientibus non deviantibus visum est — et abbreviationem arrogantiam et collaudationem, tunc iam sequitur et honestum est ut hic inponamus finem libro. Anno domini millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo quinto, prima feria secunda post dominicam qua in ecclesia Dei cantatur remiviscere, finitus est iste liber Almagesti in alma universitate studii Wyennen<si> per Martinum Mospekch artium baccalarium studii eiusdem etc.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, Class A. Preface, 2r-2v; I, 2v-16v; II, 16v-37r; III, 37r-51r; IV, 51r-69r; V, 69r-91r; VI, 91r-110v; VII, 110v-126v; VIII, 126v-141r; IX, 141r-158r; X, 158r-172v; XI, 172v-191r; XII, 191v-206r; XIII, 206r-224r. No glosses.