Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, Ar. 4566

[Colour scanned images of the textblock.]
Single work, incomplete: Arabic.  Date:

undated, 10th/16th c. (Kahle, Arberry).


unknown; unknown scribe.


an ownership statement by Ibrāhīm Jalabī b. Uzbak Bīk, a seventeenth-century collector who owned numerous other manuscripts; cf. Pierre A. MacKay, ‘The Manuscripts of the Seyahatname of Evliya Çelebi. Part I: the Archetype’, Der Islam 52 (1975), pp. 278–298, here p. 293 (1r). An erased statement (1r). Old numbering used for the collection purchased from Aslan Sarkissian between 1934 and 1949: ‘AS 465’ (inside of front cover, Ir).

Cod.: paper, I+49+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals in pencil, from f. 10 to 40 only on every fifth recto; catchwords). A clear, mostly dotted and at times vocalized naskh hand; occasional final hamzas, no indication of shaddas, and frequent use of lām-alif mukhaffafa; undotted abjad notation in red ink. Chapter titles rubricated by the scribe (sometimes in the margins), paragraph beginnings partially highlighted with red overlines. No tables or diagrams (apart from a list in columns, 15r). Dimensions: 20.8×14 cm, written area: c. 9½ cm wide; 17 lines per page (eastern misṭara imprints). Some damage caused by insects, not affecting the readability; minor ink corrosion, some pages apparently becoming loose. Partial leather cover with fore-edge and envelope flap (barely visible on the images). Type II binding.

Cont.: astrology. — Index: Ptolemaica (1r–49r).

Bibl.: Paul Kahle, Arabic Mss in the Chester Beatty Library, 5 vols, unpublished typescript, Dublin: Chester Beatty Library, c. 1940, vol. II, pp. 371–374; Arthur J. Arberry, The Chester Beatty Library. A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts, Volume VI: MSS. 4501–5000, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1963, pp. 20–21; François Charette, Descriptions of Arabic Scientific Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin (unpublished draft version), Dublin: Chester Beatty Library, c. 2010, pp. 501–503.


\1r\ || في قوى الكواكب التي ليست متحيّرة وإذا كان يتلوا هذه الأشياء ذكر طبائع الأشياء التي الكواكب التي ليست متحيّرة التي هي لها بحسب فعلها الخاصّ لها فإنّا نأخذ في ذلك ونجبر (كذا) بالتغييرات التي وجدت لها عند ما رصدت — \49r\ ثمّ تنظر بعد ذلك إلى الكواكب التي يستحقّ أن تكون لها تدبير ذلك الموضع بالخمسة الأنواع التي ذكرنا فيما تقّدم من قولنا فإن كان المدبّر لذلك الموضع كوكبًا. ||

= Ptolemy, Kitāb Arbaʿ maqālāt (tr. Ibrāhīm b. al-Ṣalt/Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq) (A.2.2)

, with some of Thābit’s glosses integrated, others in the margins. — Title: Maqālāt Arbaʿ li-Baṭlamyūs (1r).— Index: Book I (beginning missing), 1r–17r; II, 17r–44r; III (end missing), 44r–49r. — The codex begins with chapter I.9 and ends in the middle of chapter III.3. Books I and II with authorial colophon; no scribal colophon. Quotes ascribed to Thābit b. Qurra in Book II, some included in the body text. Further glosses in the margins, at times trimmed. Marginal corrections mostly indicated by sigla or ṣḥ. A collation note on f. 32r.