Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, Ar. 3685

Acephalous single work: Arabic.  Date:

a Monday in Dhū l-qaʿda 775/April-May 1374 (colophon, 254v).


unknown; copied by ʿAbdullāh b. Ḥasan b. Dhamr (?) al-Saljūqī (colophon, 254v).


Cod.: I+254+Ia ff. (foliated with Arabic-European numerals on the first five rectos and then on every fifth recto (with one extra folio between ‘140’ and ‘145’); Hindu-Arabic quire numbers in the upper left corner of every tenth recto (starting with ‘2’ on f. 2r; the fact that 10 folios are missing from the beginning is indicated on f. 1r by the same hand as the additional title on that page); catchwords). A single clear naskh hand; partially dotted, no hamzas or shaddas. Occasional textual dividers in the form of three red dots. Abjad notation in the main text highlighted with overlines. Two diagrams without any labels (1v), empty spaces for other diagrams reserved; no tables. Manuscript in good condition; moisture stains particularly from f. 185r till the end, affecting the main text but not the readability. Dimensions: 18.8×13.2 cm; 23 lines per page. Cardboard covers with brown leather quarter binding and stamped golden fleur-de-lis motif on the spine. Type III binding.

Cont.: astronomy. — Index: title page in a different hand from the main text (Ir); Ptolemaica (1r–254v). Blank: Iv, 190v, 218v, 247v, Ia.

Bibl.: Arthur J. Arberry, The Chester Beatty Library. A Handlist of the Arabic Manuscripts, Volume III: MSS. 3501 to 3750, Dublin: Hodges, Figgis & Co., 1958, p. 82; François Charette, Descriptions of Arabic Scientific Manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin (unpublished draft version), Dublin: Chester Beatty Library, c. 2010, pp. 143–145.


\1r\ || والصور {...}ـقيّة عن السماء بثبات صور الكواكب في جميع نواحي الأرض على حالها غير يقيني لأنّه قال والجرم المحيط {...} أن يشابهها في الطبع وهذا كلام إقناعي. الفصل الرابع قول يدلّ على ذلك على قوله في هاتين الجهتين أيضًا أقول ليعلم أنّ للأرض — \254v\ وأن ينعم عليه لحظة فلحظة سعادة ويسرى، وتجدّد له ساعة وساعة كرامة وبشرى. ويرحم الله عبدًا قال آمينا.

= Niẓām al-Dīn al-Ḥasan al-Nīsābūrī, Tafsīr Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (C.1.38)

. — Title: Tafsīr Taḥrīr al-Majisṭī (Ir). — Additional title: Sharḥ Tajrīd li-Majisṭī (1r). — Index: author’s preface and the first three sections of Book I missing; sections I.4–13, 1r–41v; Book II, 41v–63v; III, 63v–89v; IV, 89v–103r; V, 103r–132v; VI, 132v–168r; VII, 168r–175v; VIII, 175v–181r; IX, 181r–196v; X, 196v–204v; XI, 204v–214r; XII, 214r–232v; XIII, 232v–254v. — Dated authorial colophons for each book except Book XIII, in full agreement with the dates in MS Tunis, Waṭaniyya, 3663⁢ given in the work description. Dated scribal colophon. A Persian poetic verse in taʿlīq in a different hand from the main text, written in the empty space of a diagram (211v). A few marginal notes in the same hand as the main text. Marginal abjad notation and three dots commonly used to separate the text into paragraphs, possibly to facilitate the reading.