Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Manisa, İl Halk Kütüphanesi (Genel), 1706

[Colour images of the textblock and front cover.]
Collection of more than 20 works: Arabic.  Date:

one part copied in Rajab 699/March-April 1300 (210r).


one part copied in Tabrīz (210r); unknown scribes.


statement of purchase in Yerevan, Jumādā l-thāniya 1025/June-July 1616, with immediately below it a partially erased oval seal with the name of Muḥammad Ṭāhir (125r); note of donation by Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn Muḥammad Ṭāhir to his son Muḥammad ʿAlī (125r). Ownership statement by Ḥājj Muḥammad b. ʿUthmān al-Ḥarbāwī (125r). A number of blurred notes and seals (125r). Note of endowment to ʿAlamī al-Ḥājj ʿAlī Efindi (1r). Ownership statement by Ḥātim Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad (1r). Old library stamp (1r).

Cod.: paper, 269 ff. (modern foliation with Arabic-European numerals in pencil; an earlier foliation with Hindu-Arabic numerals, according to which the current ff. 125–157 were originally bound at the beginning of the codex; another older foliation in the upper left corner of rectos, often erased or cut off, from which Hogendijk concluded that the codex combined two earlier manuscripts; catchwords mostly trimmed). Four main hands. First hand (1r–72v): a rather sloppy black naskh, only partially dotted, no hamzas or shaddas, diagrams in black and red. Second hand (75v–124v): clear naskh in black with enlarged book titles, headings and diagram points in the main text in red, and black lines and red points in the diagrams. Third hand (125v–157v): very clear and fine naskh, with headings and diagrams in red. Fourth hand (158r–269v, including the Ptolemaic sections): sloppy naskh in black, only occasionally dotted; numerous diagrams in black and red, empty space for a further diagram (213v). Yet another, larger naskh hand in black, partially dotted, with diagrams in red on ff. 73r–75r. An inserted slip of paper with additional figures (f. 101bis). Codex in very good condition with only minor moisture stains. Dimensions: unknown; 18–30 lines per page (Ptolemaic sections: around 20 lines per page). Simple brown leather covers, doublures decorated with ebru paper. Type III binding.

Cont.: mathematics (especially geometry), astronomy. — Index: Muḥammad b. Abī Jarāda, Sharḥ Kitāb al-Ukar li-Manālāwūs (1r–72v); anonymous, Ziyādat ashkāl qaws al-zāwiya (73r–75r); anonymous fragment (75v); Muḥammad b. Qāsim b. Faḍl al-Iṣfahānī, Talkhīṣ al-Makhrūṭāt (76r–124v); al-Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham, Maqāla fī Tamām Kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt (125v–149r); anonymous fragment on geometry (149r–v); Maimonides, Ḥawāshī ʿalā baʿḍ ashkāl Kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt (150v–157v); anonymous, Ḥawāshī ʿalā Kitāb al-Makhrūṭāt (158r–182v); Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, reply to a question on geometrical propositions (183r–184v); Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, Risāla fī l-Burhān ʿalā ittiḥād al-muqaddima allatī ahmala-hā Arshimīdis fī tasbīʿ al-dāʾira wa-kayfiyyat dhālika (184v–186r); Ptolemaica (187r–210r); Ptolemaica (211r–223v); Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī, Fawāʾid multaqaṭa min Kitāb al-musammā Ghāyat al-idrāk fī dirāyat al-aflāk (224r–229r); Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī, Muʾāmarat aʿmāl dhakara-hā fī hādhā l-Majisṭī (229r–234r, extracts from his Talkhīṣ al-Majisṭī); Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī, Risāla fī Birkār al-quṭūʿ, a redaction of Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, Risāla fī Birkār (234v–237v); Abū Naṣr b. ʿIrāq, Risāla fī Ḥall shubha ʿaraḍat lahu fī l-maqāla al-thālitha ʿashra min Kitāb al-Uṣūl (238r–239r); Abū Naṣr b. ʿIrāq, Risāla fī l-Jawāb ʿan masāʾil handasiyya saʿlta ʿanhā (239v–245r); Abū Naṣr b. ʿIrāq, Risāla fī Maʿrifat al-qusī l-falakiyya bi-ṭarīq ghayr ṭarīq maʿrifati-hā bi-l-shakl al-qaṭṭāʿ wa-l-nisba al-muʾallafa (245v–249r); Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, Masāʾil (249v–254v); Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, Risāla fī Bayān muqaddimatayn muhmalatay al-bayān istaʿamala-hā Ablūniyūs fī awākhir al-maqāla al-ūlā min al-Makhrūṭāt (255r–256r); Kamāl al-Dīn b. Yūnus, Masʾila ukhra la-hu (256r–257r); Ptolemaica (257v–258v); Abū Saʿd b. Sahl, al-Burhān ʿalā anna l-falak laysa fī ghāyat al-ṣafāʾ (258v, only the title); Abū Sahl al-Qūhī (or: al-Kūhī), Ziyādāt fī l-Muʿṭayātli-Uqlīdis〉 (259r–267r); unknown, al-Ashkāl al-mujassama allatī tuḥīṭu bi-hā kura tanqasimu awwalan qismayn al-musāwī al-qawāʿid wa-ghayr al-musāwī al-qawāʿid (267v–269v, acephalous). Blank: 150r, 186v, 210v.

Bibl.: Muḥammad-taqī Dānishpazhūh, Fihrist-i mīkrūfīlmhā-yi Kitābkhāna-yi Markazī-yi Dānishgāh-i Tihrān, vol. I, Tehran: Dānishgāh-yi Tihrān, 1969 (1348 H.S.), pp. 521–523; Paul Kunitzsch, Ibn aṣ-Ṣalāḥ. Zur Kritik der Koordinatenüberlieferung im Sternkatalog des Almagest. Arabischer Text nebst deutscher Übersetzung, Einleitung und Anhang, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1975, p. 29; Jan P. Hogendijk, Ibn al-Haytham’s Completion of the Conics, New York: Springer, 1985, pp. 3, 123, and 127–129; Ramazan Şeşen, Mukhtārāt min al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿarabiyya al-nādira fī maktabāt Turkiyā, Istanbul: İslām Tarih, Sanat ve Kültürünü Araştırma Vakfı (İSAR), 1997, pp. 102, 110, 178, 182, 217–218, 268–269, 792, and 827. — Islamic Scientific Manuscripts Initiative:; Yazma Eserler Veritabanı:


\187r\ [title] من فصل في أنّ السماء كرية ثمّ استدلّ بطلميوس على كرة شكل السماء بقياسات طبيعيّة ومن طريق الأوّل — \210r\ ونقوس الخارج وننقصه من مسير الطول في ساعة فالباقي هو المراد هذا آخر ما التقط الإمام المحقّق نصير الملّة والدين محمّد بن محمّد بن الحسن الطوسي من المجسطي على حسب إصلاح بعض المتأخرين وذكر أنّه التقطه من سواد المصنّف.

= Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, Multaqaṭāt min Kitāb al-Majisṭī ʿalā ḥasab iṣlāh baʿḍ al-mutaʾakhkhirīn (C.1.19)

. — Title: Hādhihi multaqaṭāt min Kitāb al-Majisṭī ʿalā ḥasab iṣlāḥ baʿḍ al-mutaʾakhkhirīn (187r). — Undated authorial colophon without reference to Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, who is mentioned in the colophon of this work in MS Oxford, Bodleian, Thurston 3, f. 69v; dated scribal colophon (210r). Very few marginal corrections.


\211r\ [title] قال لمّا تأمّلت الجداول المثبت فيها مواضع الثوابت في الطول والعرض والجهة ومن أي قدروصورة هي رأيت فيها خللًا ظاهرًا يشهد به ظاهر الحسّ فضلًا عن الرصد — \223v\ وهو الثاني عشر من المشترك ع ج الذي على طرف الذنب وفي إصلاح ثابت ونقل إسحق كو في ط وفيه خطاء وتصحيف من السدس إلى الستّة وهو في السرياني ونقل الحسن ك ي في ط وهو الصحيح هذا آخر ما وجدنا من كلام أحمد بن محمّد بن السري على الثوابت.

= Quṭb al-Dīn al-Shīrāzī, Qawl fī Sabab al-khaṭāʾ wa-l-taṣḥīf li-Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ (C.1.24)

. — Title: Qawl li-Aḥmad b. Muḥammad b. al-Sarī fī Sabab al-khatāʾ wa-l-taṣḥīf al-ʿāriḍayn fī jadwal al-maqālatayn al-sābiʿ wa-l-thāmin min Kitāb al-Majisṭī wa-taṣḥīḥ mā amkana taṣḥīḥu-hu min dhālika (211r). — Authorial colophon missing; undated scribal colophon (223v). Very few marginal corrections.


\257v\ [title] لتكن دائرة ا ب ج على مركز د وقطر ا د ج من دوائر الارتفاع وقطر ا د ج يمرّ بسمت الرأس ومركز العالم وعليه البصر — \258v\ كما تقدّم لأنّ الفصل بين بعدي القمر من مركز العالم إذ كان مركز التدوير على القطر في الحالتين جميعًا وبعد القمر من دروة التدوير فهما بعد واحد مساوٍ لضعف ما بين المركزين وهذه القضية طاهرة.

= Fī Stikhrāj daqāʾiq ḥiṣaṣ ikhtilāf manẓar al-qamar (C.1.33)

. — Title: Risāla fī Stikhrāj daqāʾiq ḥiṣaṣ ikhtilāf manẓar al-qamar al-mustaʿmala fī l-Majisṭī (257v). — Undated scribal colophon (258v). No marginalia.