Ankara, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ismail Saib 5092
some of the works dated 3 Shaʿbān and Dhū l-qaʿda 698/6 May and July-August 1299 (29r, 60r, 67v).
Or.:Sabzevar (29r); unknown scribe.
Cod.: paper, 80 ff. (foliated with Hindu-Arabic numerals in pen; a sloppy pagination from 46 to 61 at the bottom of ff. 25r–32v; a pagination from 1 to 5 in red for the last fragment [76r–78r]; quire numbers in Hindu-Arabic numerals starting with ‘12’ [41r, 49r, 57r, 65r, 73r]; no catchwords). At least two main naskh hands in black. First hand (1r–24v, 68r–75v): regular and dense, only occasionally dotted, no tashkīl, hamzas or shaddas. Second hand (25r–67v, including both Ptolemaic works): rather hastily written and less angular, hardly any diacritics. A third naskh hand in brown with black overwritings, in a mostly dotted ductus, with some shaddas but no hamzas, only for the last fragment (76r–80v); these folios are smaller than the others and are more damaged at the edges; they were probably added to the collection at a later point. Numerous figures of instruments and geometrical diagrams in red with black labels; from f. 25r onwards, chapter headings and textual dividers in red; more highlights in red in the last fragment (76r–80v). Apparently without cover, binding becoming loose; otherwise, paper and main text in good condition with only minor water damage in the upper margins. Dimensions: not provided; 20–22 lines per page.
Cont.: mathematics, geometry, astronomy. —
Bibl.: GAS VIFuat Sezgin, Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums, Vol. VI: Astronomie bis ca. 430 H., Leiden: Brill, 1978, p. 25 n. 6 and p. 292 (two Nachträge to p. 94). —
\60r\ هذه مقدّمات تتعلّق بحركات الكواكب أوضحها الإمام محيي الملّة والدين أبو الشكر المغربيّ الأندلسيّ. المقدّمة الأولى لتكن دائرة ابجدهز وقطرها ا ح ز ومركزها ح — \67v\ وليس ما بين النسبتين فرق يعتدّ به عند الحسّ وذلك ما أردناه. تمّت المقدّمات والمسائل والفوائد. = Muḥyī l-Dīn al-Maghribī, Muqaddimāt tataʿalliqu bi-ḥarakāt al-kawākib (C.1.22)
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\68r\ = Muʾayyad al-Din al-ʿUrḍī, Muqaddima fī taṣḥīḥ burhān al-shakl al-rābiʿ min tāsiʿat al-Majisṭī (C.1.20)
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