Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7258

s. XIII2 (f. 48v-313v, copied c. 1265) and XIVex (f. 1-48 and 314-334, copied/restored c. 1390).


the MS was originally produced in Bologna and copied by the scribe Lafrancus de Pancis of Cremona c. 1265, then it was restored in Pavia c. 1390 by the scribe Armannus de Alemania (cf. colophon) probably for Pasquino Capelli, chancellor of Gian Galeazzo Visconti (d. 1402). Armannus copied or re-copied f. 1-48 and 314-334 (i.e., Books I-II and XIII of the Almagest) perhaps because the sections concerned were damaged in the original MS. Most of the decoration was also supplied at the time the MS was restored.


Pavia, library of the dukes of Milan; library of the kings of France in 1499-1500.

Parchment, 334 f., two very neat hands (I: f. 48r-313v; II: f. 1-48 and 314-334), deluxe MS with large illuminated initials at the beginning of each book of the Almagest and richly decorated initials throughout.

Ptolemaica (single text). Blank: 334v.

Bibl. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, IV: Cod. Latini 7226-8822, Paris, 1744, 331; L. Delisle, Le cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale, I, Paris, 1868, 130; E. Pellegrin, La bibliothèque des Visconti et des Sforza, ducs de Milan, au XVe siècle, Paris, 1955, 138; C. Samaran, R. Marichal, Catalogue des manuscrits en écriture latine portant des indications de date, de lieu ou de copiste, II: Bibliothèque Nationale, fonds latin (Nos 1 à 8000), Paris, 1962, 407; F. Avril, M.-T. Gousset, Manuscrits enluminés d’origine italienne, II: XIIIe siècle, Paris, 1984, 87 (no. 104); P. Kunitzsch, Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, II, Wiesbaden, 1990, 16; F. Avril, M.-T. Gousset, Manuscrits enluminés d’origine italienne, III: XIVe siècle. 1: Lombardie-Ligurie, Paris, 2005, 56-57 (no. 25); S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis, patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. Incipit liber Ptholomei qui dicitur Almagesti. Quidam princeps nomine Albuguafe in libro suo quem scientiarum electionem et verborum nominavit… (2r) Capitulum primum in quo huius scientie ad alias excellentiam et finem utilitatis dicam. Bonum fuit scire quod sapientibus non deviantibus visum est — abbreviationem, arrogantiam et collaudationem, tunc iam sequitur et honestum est ut ponamus finem libro. Expleta est dictio decimatertia libri Ptholomei et cum ea completur liber Almagesti de disciplinalibus. Deo gratias. Inceptum Almus in astronomos fuit hic dictus Ptholomeus / Atque Magna per astra vias docuit cognoscere rectas / Finitum Gestum hoc bissenis uno iuncto quoque dictis. Per Armannum.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, Class B for f. 48v-313v (original part) and Class A for f. 1-48 and 314-334 (restored part). Preface, 1r-2r; I, 2r-19r; II, 19r-48r; III, 48v-70r; IV, 70v-98v; V, 98v-135r; VI, 135r-166r; VII, 166r-187r; VIII, 187v-205v; IX, 205v-233v; X, 233v-259r; XI, 259v-289r; XII, 289r-313r; XIII, 313v-334r. Glosses by the scribe in Books III-IX. Glosses by a 15th-c. hand on f. 71r-73r and 75r-77r. Faded ink in places, which sometimes renders the text difficult to read.