Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7305A

s. XVII1 (after 1604).

Paper, 99 f. numbered 1-80 and 1-19, with the latter part to be read from the end of the volume, a single hand difficult to read.

Astrology and classics: Ptolemaica (1r-80v); excerpts from classical authors (second part, 1r-18r; f. 18v-19v are blank).

Bibl. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, IV: Cod. Latini 7226-8822, Paris, 1744, 529-530; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, II: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France à Paris, Paris, 2015, 90.


‘Discerpta (?) ex Cardano in sententiis (?) in Ptolemaeum. Luna in tertia … (?) et Saturnus in sexta in Libra… (16r) Collecta ex secundo libro Ptolemaei et ex Cardani libro… (50r) Notabilia collecta ex libro tertio Quadripartiti Tolomei. Nota primum quod Cardanus in praefatione in eum librum observat Ptolomeum non esse auctorem Centiloquii…’

= Notabilia collecta ex Cardano in Quadripartitum Ptolemaei (C.2.39)

. Book I, 1r-15v; II, 16r-31r; III, 31r-36r; additional astronomical/astrological material, 37r-42r (f. 42v-49v are blank); Book III again from its beginning, 50r-59v (f. 60r-61r are blank); additional astronomical/astrological material, 61v-80v. Book IV is ignored. Corrections and marginal notes by the scribe.