Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 7377B

s. XIIex-XIIIin (for f. 1-82, the rest of the MS seems to date from the 14th and 15th c.).


Italian hand (f. 1-82; the same hand copied MS Vatican, BAV, Vat. lat. 3100).


‘Iste liber pertinet Iohanno Colpard de Tornaco [Tournai]’ (f. 141v, 15th-c. hand, perhaps the same that copied f. 122-140 – this owner’s note apply perhaps to f. 122-140 only); Colbert; library of the kings of France in 1732.

Parchment and paper, 143 f., composite MS made of four parts, each copied by a single hand (f. 1-82, 83-98, 99-121, 122-140). Folia 61-81 are in disorder and should be read 79, 63-77, 80, 78, 61-62, 81, as partly worked out by a modern hand that has re-numbered the displaced folia with remarks in French.

Geometry and astronomy (f. 1-82): notes on Euclid’s Elementa (1r-9r); notes on Albubater [Abū Bakr], Liber mensurationum ‘Questio prima et secunda. Prima DCG satis per se patet…’ (9v-37v); ‘Hec probationes sunt necessarie in theoremate undecimo partis secunde libri Theodosii de speris…’ (38r-60v, on this section, see Geber’s Liber super Almagesti (C.1.2), under Note); Thebit Bencora, Liber carastonis, beginning missing (79r-79v and 63r-65v); Thebit Bencora, De figura sectore, tr. Gerard of Cremona (66r-72v); Ptolemaica (73r-77v, 80r-80v, 78r-78v, 61r-62v and 81r-81v). Blank: 82. The other parts of the MS include: ‘Geometrie due sunt partes principales…’ (83r-89r); Archimedes, Tractatus de incidentibus in humidum corporibus (89v-94r); Campanus of Novara, De proportione et proportionalitate (94v-98r); Alfraganus, De scientia astrorum, tr. John of Seville (99r-119v); Johannes Damascenus, Aphorismi (122r-125v); Curatus de Ziessele, Compendium theologiae naturalis ex astrologica veritate sumptum (126r-140v); various added notes by at least two hands, including a table of contents (141v). F. 98v, 120-121, 141r and 142r-143v are blank.

Bibl. Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Regiae, IV: Cod. Latini 7226-8822, Paris, 1744, 349; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, II: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France à Paris, Paris, 2015, 135.


‘(73r) Planisperium Ptolomei Hermanni Secundi translatio. Quemadmodum Ptolomeus et ante eum nonnulli veteris auctoritatis viri antiquas seculi scribunt ystorias… (74r) Cum sit possibile, Iesure, et plurimumque necessarium ut in plano represententur circuli in speram corpoream incidentes — (62v) cum ipsis circulis tropicis et cum circulis meridianis signa distinguentibus. <C>apitulum quod non est de libro quod edidit Abualcacim Maslem filius Hameti. Dixit Maslem filius Hameti: Iam rememoratus est Ptolomeus in hoc libro — (81v) et quod volueris de scientia tabularum et laus sit Deo creatori gentium. Explicit liber anno domini MC quadragesimo tercio, kal. Iunii Tolose translatus.’

= Ptolemy, Planispherium (tr. Hermann of Carinthia) (A.6.1)

, Class II. Translator’s preface, 73r-74r; text, 74r-62v; Maslama’s Extra Chapter, 62v-81v. Folia are in the wrong order and should be read 73r-77v, 80r-80v, 78r-78v, 61r-62v and 81r-81v. Glosses by the scribe.