Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Toledo, Archivo y Biblioteca Capitulares, 98-22


s. XIII.


English hand acc. Georges, who also notices glosses and added notes by three English hands on f. 63v-64r, 65vb (‘Iste liber debet vendi pro XL sol<idos> Par<isienses>’) and 80vb respectively (addition ‘Secundum Tholomeum…’, see below). At the same time, Takahashi, 80, remarks that the reworking of Euclid’s De speculis (f. 87rb-89vb) contains the French words ‘esche bien seche’ in proposition XXXII. Since this reworking, as well as the reworking of the Almagesti minor, on f. 67r-80v, and probably the texts and tables on f. 1r-1v and 91r-114v, are unique to this MS, it is likely that the scribe and the author are one and the same person. This author provides a unique reference to a De proportionibus or Liber proportionum by one Walter of Flanders (see below), who is probably identical with Walter of Lille, the likely author of the Almagesti minor.


this MS most probably corresponds to the ‘Liber de celo et de mundo cum comento Averrois’ (cf. f. 2r-65v below) listed in the 1280 inventory of Gonzalo Pérez, archbishop of Toledo from 1280 to 1299 (see F. J. Hernández, P. Linehan, The Mozarabic Cardinal. The Life and Times of Gonzalo Pérez Gudiel, Firenze, 2004, 489, no. 36/15); cathedral of Toledo before 1360, when the MS was temporarily confiscated by the royal official Mateo Ferrandes (cf. f. 114v: ‘Matheus Ferrandes’).

Parchment, 114 f., one main hand, decorated initials.

Astronomy and mathematics: ‘<M>otuum Solis alius est medius, primum equalis et alius inequalis…’ (1ra-1vb, related to f. 104vb-114v below); Averroes, comm. on Aristotle’s De celo et mundo, tr. Michael Scot (2ra-65vb); Jordanus de Nemore (?), De proportionibus (66ra-66rb); ‘<C>onsequens est ut quasdam propositiones…’ (66rb-66va); Ptolemaica (67ra-80vb); ‘Secundum Tholomeum in principio Almagesti…’ added by a somewhat later hand (80vb); Ametus filius Josephi [Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf], Liber de proportione et proportionalitate (81ra-84ra); Ametus filius Josephi [Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf], De arcubus similibus (84ra-84va); Zenodorus, De isoperimetris (84va-85ra); Johannes de Tinemue, De curvis superficiebus (85ra-86ra); Theodosius, De habitationibus (86ra-86va); Liber de canonio (86va-87ra); De ponderibus Archimenidis (87ra); fragment on the Roman balance ‘Queritur in longitudine…’ (87ra); Pseudo-Euclid, De ponderoso et levi (87ra); Jordanus de Nemore, Elementa super demonstrationem ponderum (87ra-87rb); reworking of Euclid’s De speculis (87rb-89vb, ed. Takahashi); Euclid, De visu, incomplete (90ra-90vb); astronomy ‘Proppositis (?) duobus triangulis et equalibus…’ (91ra-94ra); Algorismus, incomplete (96ra-101rb); computus ‘<Q>uoniam proposito volumini sive compoti doctrina…’, incomplete (102ra-102vb); tables of London, incompletely filled (104vb-114v). Blank: 94rb-95v, 100v, 101v, 103r-104r.

Bibl. J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa, Las traducciones orientales en los manuscritos de la Biblioteca Catedral de Toledo, Madrid, 1942, 202-206; Aristoteles Latinus. Codices, I.1: G. Lacombe, Pars prior, Roma, 1939, 860 (no. 1246); P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 645; R. Lorch, ‘Some Remarks on the Almagestum parvum’, in Amphora. Festschrift für Hans Wussing zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 1992, 407-438: 419-420 (reprinted in R. Lorch, Arabic Mathematical Sciences. Instruments, Texts, Transmission, Farnham-Burlington, 1995, V); K. Takahashi, ‘A Manuscript of Euclid’s De speculis: A Latin Text of MS 98.22 of the Archivo y Biblioteca Capitulares de la Catedral, Toledo’, SCIAMVS 2 (2001), 75-143; H. Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy’s Astronomy: The Almagesti minor (c. 1200), Turnhout, 2018, 60-61; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).


‘<O>mnium recte philosophantium verisimilibus coniecturis credibilibus tenebrarum sic se habent. Explicit liber sextus.’

= Almagesti minor (C.1.4)

, with significant divergence in Book I (ed. Zepeda, 609-627, under siglum T), with references to ‘per epistolam Hameti de proportionalitate [= Ametus filius Josephi, see f. 81ra-84ra] et per librum Walteri Flandrensis de proportionibus’ (I.7, f. 68ra, ed. Zepeda, 621, lines 398-399) and ‘ex libro proportionum Walteri’ (I.13, f. 68va, ed. Zepeda, 625, line 542). Walter’s work on proportions is probably the De proportionibus attributed to Jordanus of Nemore, which immediately precedes the Almagesti minor in this MS (f. 66ra-66rb), see Zepeda, 15, 61 and 621 n. 29. Glosses by the scribe or a similar hand.