Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cracow, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, 591

s. XVex (f. 2-113, c. 1494 – this section is identical in style and layout with MS Cracow, BJ, 1964, copied in 1494 by the same Martinus Biem de Olkusz) and XVIin (f. 1v and 115-145).


University of Cracow, copied by Martinus Biem de Olkusz and Nicolaus de Wieliczka.

Paper, 145 f., two hands: I (Martinus Biem de Olkusz), f. 2-113; II (Nicolaus de Wieliczka), f. 1v and 115v-145v.

Astronomy: scattered astrological notes (1r); Ptolemaica (2r-113r); Peurbach, Theoricae novae planetarum, incomplete (115v-142v); scattered astrological notes (144v-145v). Blank: 1v, 113v-115r, 143r-144r.

Bibl. W. Wisłocki, Katalog rękopisόw Biblijoteki Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, I, Krakόw, 1877, 187; J. Monfasani, Collectanea Trapezuntiana: Texts, Documents, and Bibliographies of George of Trebizond, Binghamton (NY), 1984, 22; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 553 (index); M. Kowalczyk et al., Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum medii aevi latinorum qui in Bibliotheca Jagellonica Cracoviae asservantur, IV: Numeros continens inde a 564 usque ad 667, Wrocław, 1988, 140-142; M. Malpangotto, Theoricae novae planetarum Georgii Peurbachii dans l’histoire de l’astronomie, Paris, 2020, 663.


‘Magne composicionis Ptholomei libri a Georgio Trapestio (!) traducti incipiunt foeliciter. Prefacio auctoris. Capitulum primum. <P>eroptime mihi videntur, o Syre, qui bene philosophati sunt, speculativam philosophie partem ab activa separasse qui ab eclipticis Solis terminis maximus intercipitur, partibus in obliquo quidem circulo 16, 23, in circulo vero, qui est per polos zodiaci 1, 25…’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. George of Trebizond) (A.1.4)

. Abrupt end in VI.6 at the bottom of f. 113r. Book I, 2r-19r; II, 19v-46v; III, 46v-62v; IV, 62v-81r; V, 81r-104v; VI, 104v-113r. No glosses.