Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Erfurt, Universitäts- und Forschungsbibliothek, Dep. Erf. CA 2º 375


s. XIV2 (probably in or shortly after 1369 for the sections copied by Johannes de Wasia).


f. 1-17, 85-137 (including the Ptolemaic sections), 149rb-150ra and 169vb-170 at least were copied by Johannes de Wasia, most probably in Paris (cf. f. 85r-103r below). Johannes de Wasia is known to have been in Paris between 1369 and 1383, and the paper and ink of the Ptolemaic sections are very similar to those used by him in his autograph Annotationes in Almagesti (MS Erfurt, UFB, Dep. Erf. CA 4º 349, f. 66r-77v), put together in Paris probably in or shortly after 1369.


Amplonius Rating de Berga (c. 1365-1435), who probably acquired the MS from Johannes de Wasia’s heirs (cf. MS Erfurt, UFB, Dep. Erf. CA 4º 349); Erfurt, Collegium Porta Coeli in 1412.

Paper, 170 f., the MS seems to have been copied by three hands: I (Johannes de Wasia), f. 1-17, 85-137, 149rb-150ra and 169vb-170); II, f. 18-84; III, f. 138-149rb and 150ra-169va, but Johannes de Wasia’s script is versatile and it possible that he actually copied the whole MS. A section may be missing after f. 84v, at the bottom of which we read ‘Incipit septimus liber Euclidis’. One or several folia are missing between f. 137 and 138.

Mathematics and astronomy: Thomas Bradwardine, Geometria speculativa (1r-15v); Thomas Bradwardine (?), Arithmetica ‘Horum que sunt aliud est continuum…’ (15v-17v, continued on 88v-92v); Euclid, Elementa, ed. Campanus of Novara, Books I-VI (18r-84v); Ptolemaica (85r-88r); Thomas Bradwardine (?), Arithmetica (88v-92v, see 15v-17v above); Ptolemaica (93r-112v, 113r-126v and 127r-129v); ‘Aux et oppositum augis, centrum terre et centrum ecentrici…’ (131ra-134rb); ‘Tres circulos in astrolapsu descriptos…’ (135ra-135vb); Henricus Selder, Canones tabularum Alphonsinarum, excerpts ‘Et ut melius intelligamur qualiter coniunctiones Saturni et Iovis…’ (136ra-137rb); ‘Omnis trianguli cuius latera sunt nota…’, end gone (137va-137vb); comm. on Sacrobosco’s De sphera, beginning gone (138ra-169va); note ‘Ex nono (?) planete quandoque sunt proprinquiores, quandoque autem remotiores…’ (169vb); ‘Melius est scire modicum de rebus nobilioribus quam multum de rebus vilioribus…’ (170r-170v). Blank: 95v, 108r, 130, 134v.

Bibl. W. Schum, Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Amplonianischen Handschriften-Sammlung zu Erfurt, Berlin, 1887, 259-261; H. Zepeda, The Medieval Latin Transmission of the Menelaus Theorem, PhD dissertation, University of Oklahoma at Norman, 2013, 184-185; H. Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise on Ptolemy’s Astronomy: The Almagesti minor (c. 1200), Turnhout, 2018, 77-78; S. Georges, Glosses as a Source for the History of Science. The Case of Gerard of Cremona’s Translation of Ptolemy’s Almagest (forthcoming).

85r–⁠88r and 93r–⁠112v

‘Summa vero principiorum que oportuit nos incipere — duobus angulis rectis. Illud est quod declarare nos oportuit.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, I.9-II.12. Tables are incomplete or missing. F. 101, of smaller size, is an insertion containing notes on the Almagest by the scribe. Substantial glosses by the scribe, including excerpts from the Almagesti minor (see below). These glosses are clearly related to the text that follows on f. 113r-126v (see Zepeda, The Medieval Latin Transmission, 170 and 184; Zepeda, The First Latin Treatise, 78).


‘Parvi Almagesti breviato cum commento. Data circuli dyametro latera decagon — non erunt ascensiones omnium.’

= Almagesti minor (C.1.4)

, excerpts I.1-14, I.17, II.2-5 and II.14-15, as glosses to the Almagest (see above) on f. 85r-86v, 93v-94v, 97r-97v and 103r. These glosses share several unique features with the glosses found in MS Paris, BnF, lat. 16200 and are likely to have been copied from that MS, which was kept in the library of the Sorbonne.


‘Commentum super Almagesti Ptholomei [title in the upper margin by the scribe]. Data circuli dyametro… Pro probacione istius proposicionis supponitur quod linea divisa — erit angulus DEA notus orientalis super orizontem, quod est propositum.’


‘Commenta super Almagesti Ptholomei [title in the upper margin, possibly by the scribe]. Data circuli dyametro etc. C dividet GD in 2 equalia — patet composicio tabularum ascensionum in spera recta. Explicit prima dictio Almagesti cum notabilibus et regulis ad intellectum eius necessariis commentata.’