Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Cesena, Biblioteca Comunale Malatestiana, Plut. S.XXVII.3

s. XIII2 (the core of the MS, including the second Ptolemaic section, was probably copied in or shortly after 1263, date mentioned by the scribe in a gloss (f. 36rb) and denoting presumably the present year; another gloss by the scribe or the contemporary glossator refers to events that occurred in 1267 and 1270, see below), with 14th- and 15th c. additions f. 111vb-114v (including the third Ptolemaic section).


Italian hands. The scribe or the contemporary glossator mentions (f. 76va) a total solar eclipse in Sicily and Calabria, which he himself saw, and the calamities that followed in those regions, including the King of France’s disastrous expedition to Carthage through Sicily. These events correspond to the solar eclipse of 25 May 1267 and to Louis IX’s Eighth Crusade to Tunis in 1270 (see also Lemay, 70-72).


Giovanni di Marco of Rimini, physician in Cesena, who bequeathed his MSS to the convent of San Francesco in Cesena in 1474.

Parchment, II+114 f., two similar hands (f. 1-94 and 95-111), with additions by several late medieval hands f. 111vb-114v, decorated initials. A quire is missing between f. 94 and 95.

Astrology: table of contents, 15th c. (inner front cover); Albumasar, Introductorium maius, tr. John of Seville (1ra-62ra, preceded by chapter index f. IIv); Ptolemaica (62va); Capitula Almansoris (63ra-64vb); Gergis, De significatione septem planetarum in domibus (64vb-66rb); Bethen, De horis planetarum (66rb-66vb); Ptolemaica (67ra-93rb); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris, end missing (93va-94vb); Zael, Liber iudiciorum (95ra-111ra: Introductorium, De interrogationibus and Quinquaginta precepta); ‘Saturnus vero moratur in unoquoque signo mensibus 30…’ (111ra-111vb); ‘Saturnum diligunt Iupiter, Sol, Luna simulque…’ (111vb); ‘Accipe tabulam planam super cuius extremitatem fac circulum…’ (112ra-112vb); Ptolemaica (113r); Tabula proportionum, with canon (113v-114v). The missing quire between f. 94 and 95 contained the end of Grosseteste’s text and Messahallah’s Liber receptionis (cf. table of contents). Blank: Iv-IIr.

Bibl. R. Zazzeri, Codici e libri a stampa della Biblioteca Malatestiana di Cesena, Cesena, 1887, 488-491; Catalogo di manoscritti filosofici nelle biblioteche italiane, IV: G. Avarucci, D. Frioli, G. C. Garfagnini, G. Pomaro, P. Rossi, A. Velli, Cesena, Fabriano, Firenze, Grottaferrata, Parma, Firenze, 1982, 177-179; R. Lemay, Abū Maʿšar al-Balḫī [Albumasar]: Liber introductorii maioris ad scientiam judiciorum astrorum, Napoli, 1995-1996, IV, 70-79; A. Manfron, La biblioteca di un medico del Quattrocento. I codici di Giovanni di Marco da Rimini nella Biblioteca Malatestiana, Torino, 1998, 242-243.


‘<C>um proiectionem radiorum id est stellarum scire volueris, scias gradum ascendentis — erit locus radiationis equate. Deo gratias.’


‘Incipit liber 4 tractatuum Ptholomei Alfilludhi in scientia iudiciorum astrorum, et in primo tractatu sunt 24 capitula. Capitulum primum in collectione intellectus scientie iudiciorum astrorum, Quadrip<ar>titus sive Alarba dicitur. Rerum, Yesure, in quibus est pronosticabilis scientie stellarum profectio magnas et precipuas duas esse deprehendimus — hoc in loco huic libro finem imponere non incongruum existimamus. Explicit liber 4 tractatuum Ptholomei in iudicandi discretione per stellas de futuris et in hoc mundo constitutionis et destructionis contingentibus. Amen.’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (A.2.1)

. I, 67ra-73rb; II, 73rb-79rb; III, 79rb-88ra; IV, 88ra-93rb. Substantial glosses by the scribe and by a contemporary or somewhat later hand, which often open ‘Sensus huius littere est…’, ‘In alio...’ or ‘Dicit Haly…’. A few glosses by a later hand.


‘Prima die Septembris, Icharus, custos plaustri, apparet — apparet et Cistos, id est Esiendes (?), et est finis Cionis, id est Canis, ante unam diem etc.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De temporum mutatione (B.12)

. Added by a 15th-c. hand. No glosses.