Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

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Wroclaw, Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich (Ossolineum), 759

s. XVIin (for f. 71-119, completed in 1505, cf. f. 119r; f. 1-69 were copied in 1488, cf. f. 35v and 69r).


f. 71-119 copied by Matthias de Krajna at the University of Cracow (f. 119r: ‘Finis Centiloquium Ptholomei Alexandrini per magistrum Mathiam de Cragney anno 1505. Emendatus ac elimatus Cracowie ex codice Italico domini doctoris Siculi lectiones in studiis humanitatis Cracowie publice profitentis…’). F. 1-69 were copied by ‘Iohannem de Crobya’ (cf. f. 69r), most probably at Cracow as well.


Lviv (present-day Ukraine); transferred to Wroclaw after WWII.

Paper, 132 f., two hands (f. 1-69 and 71-132).

Astronomy, physiognomy and astrology: Peurbach, Theoricae novae planetarum (1r-35v); Albertus de Brudzewo, Commentariolum super Theoricas novas Georgii Purbachii (37r-69r); Johannes de Glogovia, Physionomia (71r-83v); Ptolemaica (84r-114r); George of Trebizond, Liber de antisciis et cur astrologorum iudicia plerumque fallant (114v-119r), with notes (119v-120r); Bartholomew Berp of Valencia, De diebus naturalibus earumque equatione opusculum (120v-124r); Johannes Ganivetus, Amicus medicorum, end gone (124v-130v); notes (131r-132r). Blank: 36, 60v-70v, 132v.

Bibl. W. Kętrzyński, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Ossolinianae Leopoliensis, III, Lwόw, 1898, 242-243; J. Monfasani, Collectanea Trapezuntiana: Texts, Documents, and Bibliographies of George of Trebizond, Binghamton (NY), 1984, 77; G. Rosińska, Scientific Writings and Astronomical Tables in Cracow. A Census of Manuscript Sources (xivth-xvith Centuries), Wrocław-Warszawa, 1984, 557 (index); P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 440; M. Markowski, Astronomica et astrologica Cracoviensia ante annum 1550, Firenze, 1990, 322; M. Malpangotto, Theoricae novae planetarum Georgii Peurbachii dans l’histoire de l’astronomie, Paris, 2020, 657 and 667-668.


‘<L>ibrum Claudii Ptholomei mihi, Alfonse, rex inclite, traductum, quem vulgo Centiloquium ipse fructum appellat… (84v) <I>am pridem perutiles ad previdendum operationes stellarum, o Sire, quas in hoc composito efficiunt mundo exposuimus… <L>iber est hic quem de Greco traductum nomini tuo dedicavimus, illustrissime rex… (85r) Abs te et a scientia, non est enim possibile ut huius scientie professor particulares rerum ideas prevideat… Abs te et a scientia. Abs te, inquit, hoc est a quadam insita vi animi et ingenio et a scientia nature stellarum precognitio fit — ut sicut raro apparent, sic inconsueta significare videantur.’

= George of Trebizond, Commentarii et expositiones in aphorismis Libri fructus Ptolomei (C.3.11)

. George of Trebizond’s preface, 84r; author’s preface, 84v; commentary on author’s preface, 84v-85r; text and commentary in alternating sequence, 85r-114r. Glosses by the scribe (Matthias de Krajna).