Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, 1218 (1995)


s. XVIex-XVIIin.


Rovigo, Olivetan monastery of San Bartolomeo (Mazzatinti). Mazzatinti attributes the first item (f. 1r-15r) to Barnaba Riccobono, abbot of San Bartolomeo from 1590 to 1627.

Paper, 192 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 42-79. F. 17-41 are missing.

Astronomy, astrology and mathematics, mainly in Italian: ‘Breve dechiaratione dell’effemeridi delle stelle del cielo’ (1r-15r); astronomical diagram (16r); Ptolemaica (42r-79v); ‘Del circolo e sue parti’ and other questions of geometry (81r-105r); ‘Introduttione alla diottrica’ (114r-140r); ‘Trattato del compasso trigonometrico’ (144r-161v); ‘Regola del tre’ (163r-171v); ‘Matematica’ (172r-191v). Blank: 15v, 16v, 80, 105v-113v, 140-143, 162, 192.

Bibl. G. Mazzatinti, Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, XXI, Firenze, 1914, 187.


‘Claudii Ptolemaei mathematici de iudiciis liber tertius, cap. primum, quod est proemium. Textus primus. Explicata a nobis in prioribus communium eventuum consideratione, nimirum quae et natura praecedit, et plurimum valet in peculiarium… Expositio. Audio rationes Ptolom<ei> in hoc tex<tu> — (77v) Soli luxuriosos efficit.’

= 〈Commentum in Quadripartitum (I)〉 (C.2.37)

. Book III, 42r-59v (52r-53v and 57v-59v blank); IV, 60r-77v; additional notes, 78r-79v. Corrections by the scribe.