Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 39

s. XVex (f. 18-25; f. 2-17 are from the 15th c. and f. 1 and 26-33 from the 16th c.).


England, probably Cambridge, cf. reference to John Argentine (d. 1508), provost of King’s College, Cambridge, on f. 21r. The three texts of astral magic f. 19r-24r, including the Ptolemaic section, were copied into MS Oxford, BL, Ashmole 346, f. 113r-119r (see).


Thomas Dudley Fosbrooke, who presented the MS to the Society of Antiquaries in 1807.

Paper (f. 1-17 and 26-33) and parchment (f. 18-25). Three fragments of MSS: f. 1+26-33 (a single hand), 2-17 (a single hand) and 18-25 (three hands: f. 18r-18v, 19r-21r and 21r-24r, the tables f. 24v-25v are perhaps in yet another hand). The MS is bound together with MSS 36 and 45, which also belonged to Thomas Dudley Fosbrooke.

Astrology and astral magic: confused notes of astrology (1r-1v, see f. 26r-33v); Pseudo-Pietro d’Abano, Annulorum experimenta, incomplete (2r-6v); ‘Sequitur tractatus de sigillis septem planetarum anuli. Hec sigilla et anuli sunt septem…’ (6v-15r); ‘Preceptualis ars magice. Hec est doctrina omnium experimentorum in generali. In convocationem spirituum amorum…’ (15r-17v); Hermann of Carinthia, Liber imbrium, beginning only (18r-18v); short notes of astrometeorology ‘Cum volueris pronosticare pluviam per Lune coniunctionem…’ (18v); Thebit Bencora, De imaginibus (19r-21r); Hermes/Enoch, Liber imaginum signorum attr. Aristotle ‘Extracta ab Aristotile in De secretis secretorum de assumptione medicine et sanguinis minutione…’ (21r-23r); Ptolemaica (23r-24r); short note ‘Nota secundum Ovidium De vetula quod eo tempore quo fuit coniunctio maxima Saturni et Iovis in Ariete…’ (24r); astronomical tables (24v-25r); star tables mentioning Petrus de Sancto Audomaro, John of Ligneres and the years 1306-1315 and 1333 (25v); confused notes of astrology (26r-33v, see f. 1r-1v).

Bibl. N. R. Ker, Medieval Manuscripts in British Libraries, I: London, Oxford, 1969, 300; P. J. Willetts, Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Society of Antiquaries of London, Woodbridge, 2000, 18-19; F. Klaassen, The Transformations of Magic. Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance, University Park, 2013, 48-49 and 127-134.


‘Opus imaginum secundum consilium Ptholomei est omnibus modis veracius in probatione quoniam eius effectus constitutus est super facies signorum et est certissimum quomodo Albumasar et Arabici et omnes orientales operabantur cum eo — mali vero sint cadentes ab ea et finitur. Expliciunt imagines astronomice secundum Ptholomeum.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De imaginibus super facies signorum (B.14)

, with significant departure from the standard version (same in MSS Oxford, BL, Ashmole 346, f. 118r-119r, which was copied on the present MS, and Oxford, BL, Digby 57). No glosses, subject matters noted in the margin by the scribe.