Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 57

s. XIV2 (probably c. 1374-1375, cf. f. 21v-23v and 111r-120v).


University of Oxford.


John Philipp, rector of Exeter College, Oxford, who sold the MS in 1468 (f. Iv); Thomas Allen.

Parchment, IV+179 f., several contemporary hands, one of which copied at least f. 127-178. Several folia are missing after f. 178.

Astronomy and astrology: 15th-c. additions, including notes on the date of birth of several individuals, e.g. Edward IV (IIr), table of contents of the MS (IIv) and astronomical notes (IIIr and IVv); astronomical tables and canons (1ra-126r), including planetary tables for 1374-1405 (21v-23v), William Rede’s Oxford tables (32r-43v), astronomical tables for Oxford 1348 (44r-102r) and syzygy tables for Oxford 1375-1390 (111r-120v); ‘Quantitas diametri Lune et quantitas sesquidiametri umbre…’ (127r-129v); equatorium ‘Quia nobilissima scientia astronomie…’ different from John of Ligneres’s treatise bearing the same incipit (130r-132v, ed. Falk); ‘Consequens est scire tabulas de ascencionibus signorum…’ (133r-137r); Raymond of Marseille, Liber iudiciorum, reworking known as ‘Leicester Iudicia’ (137v-141v); Ptolemaica (142r-143r); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris (144r-145v); Roger of Hereford, De quatuor partibus iudiciorum astronomie, excerpt (145v-151v); Albohali, De nativitatibus, tr. Plato of Tivoli, excerpt (151v-161r); Astronomia Ypocratis ‘De cadentibus in quacumque infirmitate Luna existente in quoque signo…’ (161r-165r); Ptolemaica (165r-171r); ‘Ad honorem Dei et ad habendum cognitionem iudiciorum astronomie oportet primo narrare naturam zodiaci…’ (171r-176v); Ptolemaica (176v-178r); ‘Nota quod locus Lune in nativitate fuit ascendens in conceptione…’ (178r); tonitruale ‘Si tonat in Ariete, herbe habundabunt, angustiabuntur filii hominum…’ (178r-178v); Messahallah, Liber de intentionibus secretorum astronomie, first lines only (178v); end of an astrological text added by later hand (179r-179v). Blank: Ir-Iv (except owner’s note f. Iv), IIIv-IVr, 126v, 143v.

Bibl. G. D. Macray, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, IX: Codices a viro clarissimo Kenelm Digby, Oxford, 1883, 59-62; S. Falk, ‘A Merton College Equatorium: Text, Translation, Commentary’, SCIAMVS 17 (2016), 121-159: 131-133; S. Falk, ‘Understanding the Length of Life: The Glosses on Plato of Tivoli’s Translation of the Quadripartitum’, SCIAMVS 22 (2022), 195-251: 201-202.


‘<L>iber Almagesti ex precepto Maymonis regis Arabum qui regnavit in Baldach — In dictione sexta Almagesti sunt 13 capitula… 10 De equatione eclipsium solarium, undecimum De…’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, second part of the preface and chapter index ending with VI.10 at the bottom of f. 143r, with f. 143v (and three unnumbered folia) left blank. No glosses.


‘Capitulum 10. De spatio vite. Sensus huius litere est quod vita continuatur et durat per loca plegiorum (!) et per planetas eadem loca disponentes, id est in eisdem locis maiorem dignitatem habentes — complexionis eiusdem hominis.’


‘Incipiunt ymaginum Tholomei. Opus ymaginum secundum consilium Tholomei est omnibus modis veracior in probatione quoniam eius effectus constitutus est super facies signorum et est certissimum. Quidem (?) Albuzar (!) et Arabici et omnes orientales operabantur cum eo — et aspiciant eam fortune, mali vero sint cadentes ab eo. Explicit.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, De imaginibus super facies signorum (B.14)

, with significant departure from the standard version (see MS London, SAL, 39). No glosses. Chapter numbers and topics indicated in the margin.