Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, San Marco 194

s. XIIex-XIIIin for f. 62-135 (information Stefan Georges; f. 1-61 date from the early 14th c.).


nothern Italy (probably Pisa for f. 1-61, cf. f. 1r-16v and 60v).


Filippo di Ugolino Pieruzzi (1388-1454), cf. f. 135v: ‘Liber Philippi ser Ugolini Pieruzi notar<ii> de Florentia’; Florence, convent of San Marco.

Parchment, 135 f. (new foliation 1-135, as in Pedersen and Juste; Björnbo refers to the old foliation 1-61 and 63-136), several hands, one of which copied f. 62-135. MS made of two parts: f. 1-61, copied by several hands, and f. 62-135, copied by a single neat hand. One or several folia (three?) are missing between f. 123 and 124.

Astronomy and astrology: short table of contents of the whole MS, 14th-c. hand (1r); astronomical tables, including for Pisa and Novara, with some canons, including by Campanus of Novara (1r-16v); astrological seal ‘Anulum valde utilissimum ad morbum caducum…’ (17r); Toledan tables (17v-60r); ‘Tabula horarum horologiorum ad situm Pisarum’ (60v); ‘Tabula magistri Campane ad inveniendum annos Arabum per annos Christi’ (61r); Liber omnium sperarum celi et compositionis tabularum (62ra-65rb); Pseudo-Thebit Bencora, De motu octave spere (65rb-66va); canons for the tables of Marseille, excerpts (66vb-67rb); other canon (67va); Liber Arzachelis introductorius ad librum iudiciorum Arabum (68ra-73rb); table: elections from the aspects of the Moon with the other planets (73v); Zael, De interrogationibus (74ra-86va); Raymond of Marseille, Liber iudiciorum, first lines only (86va); Ptolemaica (86va-94vb); Zael, De electionibus (95ra-99rb); Zael, Liber temporum, c. 4-6 and 11 (99rb-99va); Alcabitius, Introductorius, beginning of Book III (99va-99vb); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (100ra-101vb); Messahallah, De cogitatione (101rb-101vb); Messahallah, Liber interpretationum (101vb-103rb); notes on an interrogation of 22 July 1130 ‘Aspexi hanc figuram et fuit ascendens signum ex circulo…’ (103rb-103va); notes on an interrogation of 18 November 1131 ‘De universali interrogatione. Dixerunt sapientes quod omnis universalis interrogatio…’ (103va-103vb); ‘Tractatus de electionibus. In principio omnis negotii cave primum et eius dominum…’ (103vb-104va); Alkindi (?), De creticis diebus (104va-106vb); Messahallah, Liber receptionis (106vb-113va); Albumasar, Flores (113va-121rb); Gergis, De significatione septem planetarum in domibus (121rb-123ra); Alcabitius, Introductorius, excerpt from Book II, end gone (123ra-123vb); Benedictum sit nomen domini…, c. 18.23-28 (124ra-124rb, beginning gone); Aomar, De nativitatibus (124rb-134va); Alchandreana (134va-135ra); ‘De parte fortune. Secundum Iohannem Yspalensem de parte fortune…’ (135ra); Haly Embrani, De electionibus horarum, fragment (135rb); two paragraphs added by two later hands ‘Si volueris scire quando pluvia erit…’ and ‘Recipe atramenti Romani…’ (135v). Blank: 61v.

Bibl. A. A. Björnbo, Die mathematischen S. Marcohandschriften in Florenz. Nuova edizione a cura di Gian Carlo Garfagnini con una premessa di Eugenio Garin, Pisa, 1976, 16-23 and 103-107; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, V, London-Leiden, 1990, 561; F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 117; D. Juste, Les Alchandreana primitifs. Étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d’origine arabe (xe siècle), Leiden-Boston, 2007, 313-315.


‘Iudiciorum Ptolomei ad Aristonem filium suum liber incipit. Signorum alia sunt masculina, alia feminina — quia medicari non potest nisi in planeta congruo Martis. Sic et de ceteris intellige planetis.’