Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Prague, Národní Knihovna České Republiky, adlig. 14.H.232 (2765)

s. XVIex.


Italy (?).

Paper, 34 f., unnumbered, one hand or perhaps three similar hands (I: f. 1-3r; II: f. 3r-13r and 15r-34v; III: f. 13v-14r). Several folia are missing between f. 14 and 15. This MS is appended to the printed text of Magini’s Ephemerides, published in Venice in 1582. A note by the main scribe on the inner back cover reads: ‘Petri Pitati Veronensis Ephemerides ab anno 1552 usque ad annum 1562 inclusive.’

Astrology and astronomy: Alkindi (?), Saturnus in Ariete sub radiis… (1r-3r); anthology of astrometeorology, based on Pliny, Haly, Aomar, Albumasar, Leopold of Austria, Guido Bonatti, Regiomontanus and Johannes Stöffler (3r-13r); Ptolemaica (13v-14r); astrological and astronomical notes and tables (15r-34v, beginning missing), based on several authors, e.g. ‘ex Petro Pitato’ (16r), Johannes Stöffler (19v), Ptolemy and Regiomontanus (21v), Giuntini (26v). Blank: 14v.

Bibl. J. Truhlář, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in C. R. Bibliotheca Publica atque Universitatis Pragensis asservantur, II, Prague, 1906, 372.


‘Cla<udii> Ptolemaei mathematici inerrantium stellarum significationes per Nicolaum Leonicum e Graceo translatae. Ianuarius. Kal.: Sol elevari incipit, longiusculi fiunt dies, Aquila et Corona occidunt, tempestatemque efficiunt. 4: Sol magis ascendit, Cancri medium occidit, ventique ponunt — (Martius) Sole Piscium dimidium obtinet, Equus occidit.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Inerrantium stellarum significationes (B.13)

, abrupt end in the month of March at the bottom of f. 14r. No glosses. The text was copied from a printed version.