Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, n.a.l. 693

s. XIVin (the MS was probably copied for the most part before 1321-1325, cf. f. 3v-4r and 202-203, and perhaps c. 1312, cf. f. 23-60; Poulle dated the whole MS to the 13th c. and, more precisely, to 1235-1236 on the basis of the five horoscopes f. 92r-93r, but the planetary positions displayed in these horoscopes are confused and do not appear to be correct for either 1235 or 1236, nor for any date between 1100 and 1330).


England and more precisely Wales (cf. f. 2r-4v), where the MS was glossed by contemporary and somewhat later hands (Ivanov/Falileyev).


Bertram Ashburnham (d. 1878).

Parchment, 204 f., several hands, with numerous additions in the margins.

Astronomy, astrology and medicine: scattered notes and pen trials (1r-1v); calendar for Wales (2r-4v), with added notes for 1325-1339 (3v-4r); computus notes and tables (5r-8r), including a table for 1296-1492 (8r); Pseudo-Messahallah, De compositione astrolabii (9r-13v), with additions mentioning Oxford (13v-14v); Zael, Introductorium, c. 18 (15r); Ptolemaica (15r-15v); ‘Cum fiat naturarum corruptio et mutatio earum per planetarum effectus…’ (16ra-20ra); diagrams with text on the lunar nodes ‘Iste figure sunt ad sciendum quando planete sint in Capitibus Draconum sive Caudis…’ (20va-21ra); astrology in French (21v); Arabic-Latin glossary of astronomical and astrological terms (22r); table: 168 planetary hours (22r); planetary tables starting in 1312 (23r-60v); Ptolemaica (61r-92r); five revolution horoscopes, not dated and apparently not datable (92r-93r); astrological notes in French (93v); astrological chapters ‘Dignior et fortior omnibus locis circuli est ascendens…’ (93v-95r); Pseudo-Aristotle, Chiromantia (95v-97r); Zael, Liber iudiciorum, selection of chapters (97v-107vb); Astronomia Ypocratis (107vb-109va); meaning of Arabic astronomical and astrological terms ‘Allibel (?) arabice hoc est quando planeta est in angulo…’ (109va); six chapters of interrogations ‘De hora partus mulierum. Cum interrogatus fueris de muliere pregnante quando pariet…’ (109va-110ra); Albumasar, De magnis coniunctionibus, Books VII, III-IV, VI and V (111ra-135ra); ‘Primum clima est Iudeorum et in ipsum est Saturni…’ (135ra-135va); Roger of Hereford, Liber de tribus generalibus iudiciis astronomie (135va-138vb); Lanfrancus, Chirurgia parva (139ra-149va); medical recipes (149va-150vb and 152ra-153rb, see Ivanov, 5-6); ‘Nota quod Saturnus est frigidus et siccus…’ (153va-154vb); medical recipes in Latin, French and English (154vb-195r, see Ivanos, 6-10); epistolary formulas (195v-201r and 204r); notes on the entry of the Sun in the signs for 1321-1325 (202r-203v). Blank: 8v, 22v, 110v, 151r-151v, 155v, 201v, 204v (except added notes).

Bibl. H. Omont, Bibliothèque Nationale. Nouvelles acquisitions du département des manuscrits pendant les années 1898-1899, Paris, 1900, 13-14; L. Thorndike, ‘Notes on Some Astronomical, Astrological and Mathematical Manuscripts of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 20 (1957), 112-172: 160-161; E. Poulle, ‘Les positions des planètes au Moyen Age’, in Comptes Rendus des Séances de l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (1967), 531-548: 534-536 (reprinted in E. Poulle, Astronomie planétaire au Moyen Age latin, Aldershot, 1996, III); C. Burnett, ‘Catalogue. The Writings of Adelard of Bath and Closely Associated Works, Together with the Manuscripts in which they Occur’, in Adelard of Bath. An English Scientist and Arabist of the Early Twelfth Century, ed. C. Burnett, London, 1987, 163-196: 190 (no. 110); F. Avril, P. D. Stirnemann, Manuscrits enluminés d’origine insulaire, VIIe-XXe siècle, Paris, 1987, 124 (no. 167); F. S. Pedersen, The Toledan Tables. A Review of the Manuscripts and the Textual Versions with an Edition, København, 2002, I, 168-169; D. Juste, Les Alchandreana primitifs. Étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d’origine arabe (xe siècle), Leiden-Boston, 2007, 367-368; D. Juste, Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Latinorum, II: Les manuscrits astrologiques latins conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France à Paris, Paris, 2015, 259-261; S. Ivanov, A. Falileyev, ‘Bibliothèque Nationale de France NAL 693 and some Episodes in the History of Monmouth in the Fourteenth Century’, The Welsh History Review 28 (2017), 457-469; S. Ivanov, ‘The “Physique rimé” in the Mediaeval Manuscript Bibliothèque nationale de France, nouv. acq. lat. 693, and Its Prologue’, Sudhoffs Archiv 103 (2019), 3-25.


‘1. Scientia astrorum ex te et illis est. Et non oportet peritum illorum iudicare secundum fortunam — quoniam unum est iudicium in hiis omnibus. Alemezoille (?), Wezewiec (?), Elzeweil (?) sunt secundarie, id est qui distant a Sole ii signis.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (‘Mundanorum’ version) (C.3.1.3)

, v. 1, 5-6, 8-11 (v. 11 wrongly numbered 11 and 12 in the margin), 14, 17-24 (v. 17-18 wrongly numbered 18-19), 26, 36-38, 51, 53-54, 68-69, 74-76, 79-80, 91, 96, 55 and 59, without the commentary and sometimes incomplete. No glosses.


‘Incipit liber quatuor tractatuum Batholomei Alfalisohi (?) in scientia iudiciorum astrorum. Tractatus primus est in primo tractatu sunt 24 capitula. Capitulum primum in collectione intellectu (!) sciencie iudiciorum astrorum. Rerum securi in quibus est pronosticabilis scientia stellarum perfectio magnas et preciosas divisiones (?) deprehendimus — (89r) hoc in loco huic libro Deo volente finem imponere non incongruum existimamus. Explicit liber quatuor Batholomei in iudicandi discretione per stellas de futuris in hoc mundo constitutionis et destructionis contingentibus. (89v) Capitulum tertium secundi libri in similitudine regionum cum triplicitatibus et stellis. Quoniam igitur figure triplicitatum que formantur in circulo signorum — in tempore cuius ipse fundate cum observare debemus.’

= Ptolemy, Quadripartitum (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (A.2.1)

. I, 61r-68v; II, 68v-73v (except c. II.3, copied below, f. 89v-92r); III, 73v-83v; IV, 83v-89r. The text is followed by Pseudo-Ptolemy’s Liber proiectionis radiorum stellarum, 89r-89v (see below) and by chapter II.3, 89v-92r. The latter is missing in the text above, see note added by the scribe in the margin of f. 69v: ‘Quere capitulum tertium in 24 folio sequenti’. A few marginal notes by the scribe and by another hand.


‘Scientia proiectionis radiorum. Cum proiectionem radiorum stellarum scire volueris, scias gradum ascendentis — erit locus radiationis equate.’

= Pseudo-Ptolemy, Liber proiectionis radiorum stellarum (B.6)

. No glosses, except one short marginal note by the scribe f. 89v.