Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica Angelo Mai, MA 571 (Delta I sopra 11)

s. XIV.


Italian hand.

Paper, 234 pp. (late medieval or early modern pagination), a single hand. One folio (which contained the end of the Ptolemaic section) is missing after p. 24 (=pp. 25-26). In that place we find instead a group of four unnumbered folia (=26bis-26nonies) bound in disorder and missing text both at the beginning and at the end. These four folia were evidently not there when the codex was paginated.

Astrology and astronomy: Ptolemaica (1a-24b); Giles of Lessines, Summa de temporibus, fragment of Book III, missing beginning and end (26bisa-26noniesb, starting with p. 26octies-nonies, then p. 26bis-septies); Alcabitius, Introductorius (27a-54a); John of Saxony, comm. on Alcabitius’s Introductorius (55a-119b); Thaddeus of Parma, Expositio super theorica planetarum (121a-178a); astronomical notes ‘Nota quod secundum tabulas Tholletanas et Romanas dies naturalis incipit a meridie…’ (178a-178b); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (179a-181b); Geminus of Rhodes, Elementa astronomie (181b-208b); Capitula Almansoris (215a-220a); Hermes, Centiloquium (220a-223b). Blank: 120, 209-214, 224-234.

Bibl. J. Agrimi, Tecnica e scienza nella cultura medievale. Inventario dei manoscritti relativi alla scienza e alla tecnica medievale (secc. XI-XV). Biblioteche di Lombardia, Firenze, 1976, 31-33 (no. XXXIII); P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, I, London-Leiden, 1977, 6; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, V, London-Leiden, 1990, 474.


‘Dixit Ptho<lome>us: Iam scripsi tibi, Yesure, libros de hoc quod operantur stelle in hoc seculo… Sciencia stellarum ex te et illis est… Quod dixit Ptho<lome>us ‘ex te et illis est’ significat quod… (1b) Mundanorum mutatio ad hoc et ad illud corporum supracelestium… Doctrina stellarum ex te que ex illis est. Nec est doctrina in ea ut propter hanc actus — in qua inceptum est regnum filiorum Ales. Obiit ergo Abnabez in anno…’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, with the propositions also given in the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3) and in Adelard of Bath’s translation (B.1.1) (=‘threefold’ version). The last lines of v. 100 are missing due to the loss of one folio. Substantial glosses by the scribe pp. 1-6. No glosses thereafter, except for occasional short marginal notes by a later hand.