Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Oxford, University College, 41

s. XIV.


England, probably Oxford (cf. f. 35r-36r and 74r).


Shrewsbury Abbey (‘Conventus fratrum Salopiae’, Coxe).

Parchment, 77 f., one or similar hands.

Astronomy and astrology: added notes in Latin and English (1r-2v); Robert Grosseteste, Compotus, beginning gone (3r-9r); Prophatius Judeus, Quadrans novus (10r-15r); Sacrobosco, Algorismus (16r-19v); Sacrobosco, De sphera (19v-25v); Ptolemaica (26r-27v); Theorica planetarum Gerardi (28r-32v); Robert Grosseteste (?), De impressionibus aeris (33r-34v); ‘Investigantibus nature chilindri compositionem qui dicitur horologium viatorum…’, with tables for London and Oxford (35r-36r); Robertus Anglicus, Quadrans vetus (36v-40v); John Maudith (?), Ars et operatio novi quadranti (41r-46v); Prophatius Judeus, Almanach (47r-77v), with additional tables, including a table of planetary mean motions for the meridian of Oxford (74r). Blank: 9v (except for added notes), 15v.

Bibl. H. O. Coxe, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum qui in collegiis aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie adversantur, I, Oxford, 1852, Codices MSS. Collegii Universitatis, 12; F. S. Pedersen, Petri Philomenae de Dacia et Petri de S. Audomaro opera quadrivalia, København, 1983-1984, II, 736; A. Lohr, C. P. E. Nothaft, Robert Grosseteste’s Compotus, Oxford, 2019, 36-37.


‘Liber quem edidit Thebit filius Chore de hiis que indigent expositione antequam legatur Almagestius. Equator maior in cuius superficie garditur Sol ab occidente in orientem ― aut propinque oppositioni erunt retrogradi. Explicit liber Thebit.’