Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Oxford, St John’s College, 37

s. XVII1 (before 1640).


Kenelm Digby, who gave the MS to William Laud, archbishop of Canterbury (f. 1r). A copy of this MS, including Digby’s letter at the end, was made into what is today MS Oxford, BL, Savile 99 (see).

Paper, 177 f., a single hand (except for Digby’s letter).

Ptolemaica (single text), except for Valentin Nabod’s horoscope and note (175v), as in MS London, BL, Sloane 216 (see), and an appended letter in English addressed by Kenelm Digby to John Barkham on 17 July 1640, discussing Naibod’s horoscope and the circumstances of his death (176r-177v).

Bibl. H. O. Coxe, Catalogus codicum qui in collegiis aulisque Oxoniensibus hodie adversantur, II, Oxford, 1852, Codices MSS. Collegii S. Johannis Baptistae, 12.


‘Prooemium deest. Quod futurorum per astronomiam praecognitio sit quaedam ars et quousque progrediatur. Caput primum. Facile patescit, breviterque perspicuum fieri potest omnibus quod de aetherea et externa natura vis quaedam diffundatur — Itaque hic et in hoc termino noster quoque interpretandi commentandique labor finem iam accipiat.’

= Valentin Nabod, In Claudii Ptolemaei Quadripartitae constructionis apotelesmata commentarius novus et eiusdem conversio nova (C.2.30)

, missing the preface and several sections of Book I. Book I, 1r-9r; II, 9v-47r (47v-52v blank); III, 53r-111v (112r-119v blank); IV, 120r-175r. No glosses.