Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Rome, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, F 86

s. XIII.


probably Sicily (Messina?), cf. the southern Italian and Sicilian origin of several of the texts, the bilingual (Greek-Latin) milieu and the note added on f. 55r, originally blank, mentioning a Guillelmus de Mileto, notary in Messina (‘Quaternio memorialis vendicionum, emptionum et aliorum contractuum confectuum in civitate Mess<ane> [Messina] per manus notarii Guillelmi de Mileto [Mileto, Calabria], scriptus mense Marcii VIIIe indictionis’), who must be Guillelmus de Mileto, the imperial notary in Messina and translator from Greek into Latin active c. 1239 (on him, see G. Brunetti, ‘Gli autografi del notaro’, L’Ellisse. Studi Storici di Letteratura Italiana 4 (2009), 9-42: 12 and 14).


Fabiano Giustiniani (1578-1627) copied the general title and the table of contents f. IIr and IIIr-IIIv.

Paper, VIII+172 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 1-28v (except f. 15-18) and perhaps f. 44r-44v, and another, f. 28v-39r, 42v-43v and 45r-47v.

Astrology, geometry, medicine and natural philosophy, in Latin and Greek: general title and table of contents, by Fabiano Giustiniani (IIr and IIIr-IIIv); notes of computus (VIr); text in Greek (VIv-VIIr); fragment of an astrological text (1r); Ptolemaica (1v-23v); Messahallah, Epistola de rebus eclipsium (25r-28v); judgement on a nativity of 30 December 1160 ‘Omnes philosophi concordati sunt quod locus Lune in nativitate fuit ascendens in conceptione…’, end gone (29v-39r and 42v-47v, with two horoscopes f. 28v and 29r); representation of an astrolabe (39v); Euclid, Elementa, tr. Gerard of Cremona, I.1-5 (49ra-54vb); Tabula Salernitana (69r-74r); Alfanus, De quattuor humoribus corporis humani (74v-76r); Aristotle, Meteorologica, Book IV, tr. Henricus Aristippus (94ra-105ra); Aristotle, De generatione et corruptione, tr. Burgundius of Pisa (106ra-118vb); Aristotle, De anima, tr. William of Moerbeke (120r-136v); Pseudo-Aristotle, De vegetalibus, tr. Alfred of Shareshill (141r-152v). The intervening folia contain texts in Greek, mainly scientific (40r-41v, 48r-48v, 56r-64v, 80r-91v, 158r-161v, 164r-166v and 169r-169v), including Pseudo-Ptolemy’s Karpos, under the Latin title ‘Centum verba Ptholomei’ (56r-63r). Blank: I, IIv, IV-V, VIIv, 24, 42r (except note), 55 (except note f. 55r), 63v-68 (except for a table in Greek f. 64v), 76v-79v, 92-93, 105v, 119, 137-140 (except note f. 140r), 163v, 167-168, 172.

Bibl. V. Vettori, Inventarium omnium codicum manuscriptorum Graecorum et Latinorum Bibliothecae Vallicellianae digestum, Roma, 1749, I, 313r-313v (not seen); E. Martini, Catalogo di manoscritti greci esistenti nelle biblioteche italiane, II, Milano, 1902 [Indici e cataloghi XIX], 189-191; online entry on Manus OnLine (updated 11.12.2014)


‘Dixit Ptholomeus: Iam scripsi tibi, Iesure, libro (!) de hoc quod <operantur> stelle in hoc seculo… Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est… Quod dixit Phtolomeus, ex te et illis, significat quod qui res futuras prenoscere desiderat — et ego Deum deprecor ut te diligat. Perfectum (!) est huius libri translacio 17 die mensis Marcii, 12 die mensis Gumedi secundi anno Arabum 5301.’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

. F. 15-18 (containing v. 61-81) are an insert in another hand, probably aimed at replacing damaged folia in the exemplar (f. 19, which includes v. 79-83, is indeed partially damaged). No glosses.