Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

_ (the underscore) is the placeholder for exactly one character.
% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

At the beginning and at the end, these placeholders are superfluous.

Vác, Egyházmegyei Könyvtár, 708.012/Fragm. 2

s. XIIImed.


probably Italy.


the fragments were discovered in 2017 in the binding of a printed book in the Diocesan Library of Vác, Hungary. According to an owner’s note, the printed book (Petrus Ancharanus, Consilia sive iuris responsa, Venice, 1568) belonged to Lorenzo Poggioli di Bologna, Governor of Città di Castello in 1584. The printed book was in the Diocesan Library of Vác by 1875.

Parchment, two fragmentary folia, of which only the top section (c. 25%) remains. The outer pages (f. 1r and 2v) are faded and for the most part illegible.

Ptolemaica (single text).

Bibl. J. Lauf, G. Sarbak, ‘Kódextöredékek Vácott’, in Hármas törekvés: A váci katolikus papság és értelmiség indentitás keresése a XVIII. században, ed. I. Boros, Budapest, 2018, 31-53: 50-51; J. Lauf, ‘Pseudo Ptolemaeus Centiloquiuma Vácott. Néhány jelentős kódextöredék a Váci Egyházmegyei Könyvtárban’, in Litteris vincimur. 1 Scriptorium konferencia, Vác, 2017. május 11-12, eds I. Boros, L. Takács, Budapest, 2018, 187-196 (with reprod. of f. 1r and 2r pp. 279-280). I am grateful to Judit Lauf for drawing my attention to these fragments and for sending me photographs of them.


‘Incipit liber Ptolomei de centum verbis. … (?), Iesure, tibi libr… (?) …. Verbum primum. Scientia stellarum ex te et illis est. Expositio… (2ra) [v. 24] <Dici>t Pto<lomeus>: Eclipsis duarum lucentium in cardinibus ascendentium a nativitate vel in conversione annorum nocet — … [last words f. 2vb illegible].’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. before c. 1250) (C.3.1.5)

, preface and fragments of v. 1, 3-4, 24-26 and 28-31, as follows: preface with beginning and middle of v. 1, 1ra-1rb; end of v. 1, last line of v. 3 and beginning of v. 4, 1va-1vb; beginning of v. 24, end of v. 25 and beginning of v. 26, 2ra-2rb; last line of v. 28, beginning of v. 29, end of v. 30 and beginning of v. 31, 2va-2vb. No glosses.