Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. gr. 262
s. XVII1 (1642 for the first part; the second part dates from the 16th c.).
Or.:Vincenzo Riccardi, who supervised the copy of the first part and annotated the second part.
Paper, 60 f., MS made of two parts, each copied by a single hand (f. 2-42 and 43-60).
Astrology: title page ‘Πορφυρίου φιλοσοφόυ Εἰσαγωγὴ εἰς τὴν Ἀποτελεσματικὴν τοῦ Πτολεμαίου. Porphyrii philosophi Introductio in Apotelesmata Ptolemaei Vincentio Riccardo clerico regulari interprete’ (1r); Vincenzo Riccardi, dedicatory letter to Cardinal Francesco Barberini, dated 28 July 1642 (2r-3r); Vincenzo Riccardi, letter to the reader (4r-6r); Ptolemaica (7r-42r); Pseudo-Porphyry, Introduction to the Tetrabiblos, Greek text (43r-60v). Blank: 1v, 3v, 6v, 42v.
Bibl. Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, V.4, Bruxelles, 1940, 60; J. Mogenet, J. Leroy, P. Canart, Codices Barberiniani Graeci, II: Codices 164-281, Vaticano, 1989, 106-107 and 165; D. Surace, ‘Copisti greci in tre codici sconosciuti della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (S. A. Valle 100, 102-103)’, Νέα ‘Ρώμη. Rivista di Richerche Bizantinistiche 8 (2011), 219-303: 266-268 n. 86.
‘Porphyrii philosophi Introductio in Apotelesmata Ptolemaei. Proemium. Cum de iis quae doctrinam coelestium continent corporum quaeve ex illa — et Mercurii 14 ante 7 et pone 7. Finis.’ |