Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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% (the percent sign) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character.
%% (two percent signs) is the placeholder for no, one or more than one character, but not for blank space (so that a search ends at word boundaries).

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ZZ – Unknown location, olim Robert B. Honeyman Jr., no. 14

s. XIII1.


the Sotheby's catalogue (The Honeyman Collection) located the MS in northern France, perhaps in Paris, but on the basis of the reproduced page in that catalogue, Georges rather sees an Italian origin for the script and an English or French origin for the decoration. An Italian origin is also suggested by the presence, on pp. 353-354, of the alternative recension of chapter I.1 in al-Ḥajjāj’s version, found in only two other MSS, both copied in Bologna.


Michael Maestlin in 1585 (‘Ex libris M. Michaelis Maestlini Gaeppnigenfis 1585’); Wilhelm Schickard in 1631; library of the princes Öttingen-Wallerstein at Maihingen (MS I.2.2º 19) until the 1930s, when the MS was sold; Robert B. Honeyman Jr., California (no. 14 or Astron. 3); sold by Sotheby’s in London on 2 May 1979 to a private collector.

Parchment, 354 pp., 297 x 204 mm, several hands, 47 lines per page, decorated initial on the first page, initials blue and red, titles in red.

Ptolemaica (single text).

Note Paul Kunitzsch contacted the private owner of the MS, who replied in a letter in May 2016 that the MS was not available for consultation or reproductions. Paul Kunitzsch’s own copies of pp. 1-3, 194-212 and 353-354 made in the 1980s (cf. Der Sternkatalog, 18 n. 67) seem to be lost. One page of the MS (p. 26) is reproduced in The Honeyman Collection.

Bibl. G. Grupp, Öttingen-Wallersteinische Sammlungen in Maihingen, Handschriften-Verzeichnis, Nördlingen, 1897, 33 (no. 899); C. U. Faye, W. H. Bond, Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada, New York, 1962, 21; The Honeyman Collection of Scientific Books and Manuscripts, III: Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of the 12th to the 20th Century, Sotheby’s sale catalogue, London, 1979, no. 1087; P. Kunitzsch, Der Sternkatalog des Almagest. Die arabisch-mittelalterliche Tradition, II, Wiesbaden, 1990, 18-19; G. Hägele, Lateinische mittelalterliche Handschriften in Folio der Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg. Die Signaturengruppen Cod. I.2.2º und Cod. II.1.2º 1-90, Wiesbaden, 1996, 63.


‘Dictio prima libri Almagesti Ptholomei continens quatuordecim capitula. Quidam princeps nomine Albugaiafe in libro suo… (2) Ecce ubi… Bonum domine fuit… — (352) laudando domini. Expleta est dictio terciadecima libri Ptolomei et cum ea completur liber Almagesti de disciplinalibus. Bonum, o Syre, fuit… (353) Capitulum primum in prologo huius libri. Bonum quod fecerunt illi — consecuti sunt ex eius comprehensione quod oportet.’

= Ptolemy, Almagesti (tr. Gerard of Cremona) (A.1.2)

, Class B. Complete copy opening with the preface and ending with the same two alternative versions of chapter I.1 as found in MSS Melbourne, SLV, RARES 091 P95A (olim *f 091/P95A), f. 172va-173ra, and Cambrai, BM, 953 (851), f. 328ra-329rb. Numerous glosses. The quotations are taken from The Honeyman Collection and Kunitzsch.