Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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London, British Library, Sloane 216

s. XVIex-XVIIin.

Paper, 378 f., three neat alternating hands.

Ptolemaica (single text), except Valentin Nabod’s horoscope (378r). Blank: 1r, 378v.

Note Nabod’s horoscope (f. 378r) gives the date 14 February 1527 at 6.32am by mistake, for the planetary positions are correct for 14 February 1523 at 6.32am. The date 1523 is confirmed by other horoscopes, see L. Bellizia, ‘Valentin Naboth. Matematico, astronomo, astrologo’, Bruniana & Campanelliana 20 (2014), 645-653: 651-652. The horoscope is accompanied by the note ‘Haec est Valentini Naibodae Erphordiensis, huius operis auctoris, qui inventus fuit Patavii in propria domo ense transfixus post triduum. Et ignoratur an a se vel ab alio, credibile tame nest ipsum sibimet et mortem intulisse, quia Saturnus est dominus horoscopi et octavae et Venus altera octavae domina cadens in Ariete’. On the colourful circumstances of Nabod’s death, see ibid., 649-653.

Bibl. Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum bibliothecae Sloananiae, I, s.l.n.d., 33; P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 57.


‘Valentini Naibodae mathematici praeclarissimi in Claudii Ptolemaei Quadripartitae constructionis apotelesmata commentarius novus et eiusdem conversio nova. (2r) Prooemium deest. Quod futurorum per astronomiam praecognitio sit quaedam ars et quousque progrediatur. Caput primum. Facile patescit, breviterque perspicuum fieri potest omnibus quod de aeterea et externa natura vis quaedam diffundatur — Itaque hic et in hoc termino noster quoque interpretandi commentandique labor finem iam accipiat.’

= Valentin Nabod, In Claudii Ptolemaei Quadripartitae constructionis apotelesmata commentarius novus et eiusdem conversio nova (C.2.30)

, missing the preface (cf. ‘Prooemium deest’, 2r) and several sections of Book I (cf. ‘Caetera desunt’, 10r; ‘Deest’, 10r; ‘Desunt nonulla’, 10v; etc.). Book I, 1v-13v; II, 14r-91v; III, 92r-263v; IV, 264r-377v. Marginal and interlinear corrections by one hand, possibly one of the scribes.