Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus

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Seville, Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina, 7-6-2

s. XIII2 (after 1268, date of the translation of Proclus’s Elementatio theologica, f. 1r-31v), except for f. 226v-244va, from the 14th c., and for f. 120r-120v, 168r-169v and 244vb-245vb, added by one later hand (15th c. acc. Minio-Paluello).


Ferdinand Columbus (d. 1539) (ex-libris, f. 1r).

Parchment, 245 f., several hands, one of which copied f. 1-162r, reserved initials. One or several folia appear to be missing between f. 120-121, 168-169, 189-190 and 225-226.

Scientific and philosophical texts: Proclus, Elementatio theologica, tr. William of Moerbeke (1r-31v); Euclid, De radiis visualibus ‘Visualis radius ab oculo super procedit lineas…’ (32r-43r); Euclid, De visu (43v-54v); Euclid, De speculis (54v-63r); Ptolemaica (63v-120v); Pseudo-Messahallah, De compositione astrolabii (121r-141r); Alkindi, De aspectibus (141v-162r); Alfarabi, De ortu scientiarum (162va-163va); Thomas Aquinas, De ente et essentia (163va-167ra); ‘Liber expositionum vocabulorum. Proposui in hoc opusculo expositiones quorundam nominum quibus utuntur astronomi…’ (167rb-168ra); Proportiones competentes in astrorum industria, c. 26, added (168ra); ‘De naturis signorum. Aries natura igneus, gustu amarus, orientalis…’, end gone, added (168ra-168vb); Averroes, comm. on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics ‘Commentum super libris posteriorum analecticorum. Dixit omnis doctrina et omnis disciplina…’, end gone (169ra-189vb); Pseudo-Aristotle, De coloribus (190r-195v); Pseudo-Aristotle, De bona fortuna (195v-197v); Pseudo-Aristotle, De lineis indivisibilibus (198r-201r); Pseudo-Aristotle, De inundatione Nili (201r-202v); ‘Incipit summa de anima in primo ponitur diffinitio. Anima actus primus corporis phisici ponitur vitam…’ (203r-209r); Costa ben Luca, De differentia spiritus et anime, prologue (209r-209v); Pseudo-Aristotle, Ethica ad Eudemum, excerpt VII.15 (209v-210v); ‘Magna dubitatio est apud multos utrum stelle habeant dominium artandi liberum arbitrium…’ (210v-213v); ‘Liber introductorius in artem loyce demonstrationis collectus Amamehi discipulo Alchimti (?) philosophi. In nomine piissimi et misericordisimi Dei, postquam iam locuti sumus de predicabilibus…’ (214ra-218ra); Alfarabi, De intellectu (218ra-220va); Aristotle, De motu animalium (220va-223ra); Pseudo-Aristotle, De pomo (223ra-225vb); Pseudo-Aristotle, Secreta secretorum, beginning only (225vb); ‘Oculus videt, id est recipit formam visibilis…’ (226ra-244v); Hermes, Centiloquium, c. 41-87, added (244vb-245vb).

Bibl. Aristoteles Latinus. Codices: L. Minio-Paluello, Pars posterior, Cambridge, 1955, 829-830 (no. 1185); P. O. Kristeller, Iter Italicum, IV, London-Leiden, 1989, 628; R. Lemay, Le Kitāb aṯ-Ṯamara (Liber fructus, Centiloquium) d’Abū Jaʿfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf [Ps.-Ptolémée], 1999 [unpublished], I, 421; J. F. Sáez Guillén, P. Jiménez de Cisneros Vencelá, Catálogo de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Colombina de Sevilla, Sevilla, 2002, I, 628-631.


‘Incipit Centilogium Phtolomei ad iudicia astrologie [title in upper margin, hand of the scribe]. Prima [title in margin, probably by the scribe]. <S>cientia stellarum ex te et illis est. Astrologus non debet dicere rem specialiter sed universaliter… (64r) Mundanorum mutatio ad hec et ad illud corporum supercelestium… (64v) <D>octrina stellarum ex te et illis est. Nec est doctrina in ea ut propheret formam… (65v) <D>ixit Ptolomeus: Iam scripsi tibi, Iesure, libros de hoc quod operantur stelle in hoc seculo… <I>dem dixit Ptholomeus, ex te et illis, significat quod qui res futuras scire desiderat — (120r) Si vero fuerit ex laudabili, amittet. Cum comisserit dominus [text continued from here by another hand] secunde domino ascendentis dispositionem — unicuique signo 24 dies et tertia diei fere et mensis solaris…’

= Abuiafar Hamet filius Joseph, 〈Commentum in Centiloquium〉 (tr. Plato of Tivoli) (C.3.1.1)

, with the propositions also given in the ‘Mundanorum’ version (C.3.1.3) and in Adelard of Bath’s translation (B.1.1) (=‘threefold’ version). The preface occurs between the three propositions and the commentary of v. 1. The scribe stopped copying in the middle of the proposition of v. 85 (f. 120r) and another hand (15th c. acc. Minio-Paluello) resumed and filled in the rest of f. 120r and f. 120v with the end of v. 85 and v. 86-87 in Plato of Tivoli’s translation only. The text breaks off mid-sentence towards the end of the commentary of v. 87 at the bottom of f. 120v, due to lost folia. Marginal corrections by the scribe. Glosses by the same 15th-c. hand from f. 113r onwards.